Andromeda is a command line tools to create mobile skeleton project based en Kanvas ecosystem to supply the folder structure, APIs, design system, setting, packages and others stuff need it to work on standard’s Kanvas.
This repository contains tools and helpers for React Native init that integrate with others third party to acomplish with Andromeda CLI.
Example running cli command in terminal:
npx @kanvas/andromeda-cli <project_name>
- ios
- android
- src
- components
- atoms
- molecules
- organisms
- templates
- domain
- shared
- theme
- locales
- app.json
- index.js
- package.json
- react-native.config.js
- Structures
- Tools
- Packages
- React Navigation 6.0.1
- Formik 2.2.9
- Color 4.0.1
- Styled Components 5.3.0
- RN Gesture Handler 3.5.0
- RN Localized Text 1.0.4
- RN Vector Icons 8.1.0
- RN IphoneX Helper 1.3.1
- RN Event Listener 1.0.7
- @kanvas/client-js 0.0.5
- @kanvas/andromeda 0.0.4
- @react-native-community/hooks 2.8.0