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Releases: kynetx/Fuse-app

Fuse Alpha Vesion 8

20 Jun 11:03
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Fuse Alpha Vesion 8 Pre-release

Successfully reading from trips API.


Alex Olson (140):
hike version after deployment.
most intriguing behavior.
stopping point.
from object to an array.
proper sort.
timing issues solved.
rework tripstmpl.html display.
dont use toLocaleTimeString() which is implementation specific rather ship our own time string formatting. I wish JS had a native strftime().
cleaning up Sprint K items.
Merge PR #173.
hike version after deployment.
trip view aggregate works.
aggregate calculation.
some touchups.
Merge PR #176.
hike to 7.3 after 7.2 deployment.;
refactor chart rendering.
debug mode.
feed off the currentFillups data source and watch for changes.
use .get()
fillups need timestamps....duh.
build correct label data for the chart.
dont coerce date into UNIX epoch format...
um..that kills poor little chartjs. Instead lets call toString() on the timestamp when we map over the fillups collection. 😵
formatting issue.
well we cant use the date like that....
dates need to be zero-padded.
getDay() !== getDate()
use compressed js for debugging on phone.
Provide the correct context for the collection callback.
😟when chart updates....everything dies.😕
wrong step value on number input....perhaps thats the issue.
add a timestamp to fillup defaults. Defaults to current date & time. IE what new Date() returns given no args.
chart refreshes on new fillup data!!!!
merge PR #177.'
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
build 7.3
hike version after 7.3 deployment.
make settings menu item active.
better way of making menu work.
add route for settings.
render the settings view.
adding the settings template.
settings view stuff
add settings view
easier to see debug lines if I include the require js starter file and not the compressed js.
precheck if a view is trying to be initialized with no options.
pass the right controller into the view.
render with content.
order correctly.
Merge branch 'settings'
hike version after 7.4.
laying out prefrence-pane style.
its time to stop adding the version number to the actual css/js files because its driving me crazy.
settings splash view.
set events.
add matching functions for the individual events.
strip off some uneccesary wording so the text fits better on the title bar....
one word settings name.
feature not complete notification.
profile pane beginnings.
add the views in the routeToView mapping so that transitions and back buttons work properly.
Merge PR #184.
hike version after 7.5 deployment.
data-right data-left and that sort of goodness.
email and such.
white font and padding perhaps? ✌️
white-font ALL THE THINGS. 🐃
phone 🍯
input is tel and other things. :neckbeard:
remove redunant alerts and finish profile skeleton.:trollface:
simplyfing where we say what view we are on. 💭
Merge branch 'profile-settings' :shipit:
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
hike version.
add the right files.
rendering boilerplate for preference settings. ✌️
flip toggle switches 4 dayzzzzzzzzz. 🐑 <- Look a sheepie to keep you company.
add email notification preference. 🐳 Whales are coool.
custom trip category settings. Time for some ⛳
fix typo. 🎣
Merge PR #186.
put this in build mode. Now there should really be no reason to TAKE IT OUT OF build mode.
building 7.8
hike version.
base api uri.
take version string out of readme.
enter a car ECI......
add car linkage template.
entering the DANGER ZONE. 😱
api wiring.
man wiring this is more work than I thought. Pressing onward!
trying to sync trips dagnabit!
its time to use Phil's library.
maybe we have to stub an eci?
waves to windley_ through a commit msg.
adding fuse api client library and updated version of CloudOS.js.
build files!
💦 please please please kibdev unlock yourself!!!1 🔓
call success function.
render on success. CMON API!!!!! :)
log the model.
api syncage.
hike version.
dev mode.
include the correct files and build correctly.
compute MTD fetch paramaters.
use switch instead of if since there are a limited number of possibilities.
temporary debugging.
log response from API.
cant read API?
seeing trips?
context is king!
head scratch.
hide loady spinner.;
I think things are being sent as strings?
explicitly cast strings from API to floats so we can calculate aggregates.
go go gooooo go.
directly passing model means value is string which means we must parseFloat() the heck out of it.
toFixed with precision of 1.
fix the check on trip name validity...silly AKO!
month bar.
debug switch.
prod mode?
youve actually got to fully uncomment things.... ;)
merging bens stuff. Why so many conflicts?????

Benjamin Anderson (39):
Getting close with icons. Mostly donew with maintenance styling.
Finally got the icons working.
Quick fix on month icon arrows.
Work on days and aggregates.
Added the fuse logo to the menu. Added the arrows to the vehicles inside the fuel aggs. Working on more relevant data and a better way of showing it in the agg pages.
Some of the things I tried didn't really work so I'm just going to push this because it has some nice stuff I want the have in the build for the meeting tonight.
Merge pull request #178 from kynetx/style
Adding duration totals to days.
Started the completion forms for reminders.
Added function for completing the reminder now I just need to finish the logic in it.
Added some more to the reminder completion form. I need to get this moving stuff over to history now. I'm pretty sure that is how this works.
Merge pull request #183 from kynetx/style
Added in the history into the vehicle model and the history views and templates. I threw some data in the FIXTURES to make sure that it works so far.
Changes that probably won't stay.
Finally got the new logic working in the reminder template. Now I just need to follow the same pattern in history.
Got the new logic working for history as well. Now it's off to moving things around on the complete reminder/defer reminder click.
Got some help from AKO this morning to get access to the models. I'm trying to finish this up before I have lunch with my parents at 11....
Reminders move to history. Fixed a small glitch with the history.
Merge pull request #185 from kynetx/style
Fixed the menus that looked to flat (settings and maintenance) so that you could tell they are buttons. This comes feedback by 2K
Merge pull request #187 from kynetx/settings-style
Started adding the UI for recurring reminders. I had to mess around with it a bit to get it to look good.
More stuff done. I've got the switching working between the two menus now I just need to be able to toggle between them.
YAY I got the UI for it working. Now just need to figure out how we are going to handle this in the model.
Merge pull request #190 from kynetx/recurring-reminders
Fixed mixup with showing the opposite UI from what the user selected.
Fixed the reminder submit to follow the new data model.
Working on the new time functions... I'm learning how to use .map() I want to make sure I understand what AKO was doing so I do this right.
Wrote a formate time function. It might need some work still but I think it's a start.
Ok, so my formateTime function doesn't work right yet. I'm going to have to work more on this monday cause I have some family stuff to get to tonight.
Deleted my function. I need to rethink this tomorrow morning when I'm not so tired.
Ok, I'm starting to make progress on this again.
I need to only go over to 1 or 2 decimal places.
I got the decimal place to work now but there is still some sort of a bug with the conversion from milliseconds to a readable time string.
I think I fixed the glitch in the formatDuration function. I went back and found a function that I wrote near the start of when we were working on Fuse and implemented it. I need to finish implementing it but I'm tired and I need some sleep. I'll get if fully implemented tomorrow and I'm just excited to have it working again.
I currently have two functions for time. One formates the time based on milliseconds passed and the other returns a optimal time unit based on milliseconds passed. It took me a while to get these working because I was originally trying to use some of AKO's function and I was using the part that was broken. It was also difficult to tell if anything I was doing was working because I had no clue what the ms would look like as a real time. I ended up using a google converter to check my function and make sure it was working.


16 May 07:20
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v0.0.7 Pre-release

This is Fuse alpha release version 7.

Getting really excited about where we're at.


AUTHOR ( # of commits since last alpha release )

Alex Olson (203):
hike version.
hike readme ver.
moving and building.
that wont work.
testing icon.
gray safe driver.
remove useless index.js.
testing width of popup.
modify build script.
some changes.
Merge PR #136.
xcuserstate change.
gitignore modifications.
remove some stuff.
gitignore mods.
some bugfixs.
bugfixes and revert logging stuff.
Merge PR #137.
hike version and even out transitions.
fix header.
more files.
more trip detail view boilerplate.
more stuff.
showing detail.......
checking something.
dont use cordovas silly log wrapper if we're in a browser environment so I can debug without wanting to go live in a yurt.
my efforts are futile!
register view with Fuse.
@windley's trip data.
temporary var grabbing action.
console log that awesome sauce.
turn trips into an array.
syntax errors are gross.
make awesome.
distance => mileage. Mileage is null everywhere in the data we get.
triptmpl is messed up now?
proper conditional.
debug mode.
make sure and check for undefined.
build mode.
Merge PR #140.
fix merge conflicts.
resolving strange issues.
dont include cordova.js twice.
make trip button do something hopefully.
try this.
showTripDetail hookup.
that should be hooked up now.......
descriptive header.
hike version being worked on and set app to dev mode.
forgot one version hike.
make footer and header global and stuck, if possible.
dont hide the footer on tap.
expose Fuse object to console for debugging.
just fuse.
experimenting with back button.
test this logic....
handle case where its being rendered the first time.
log some things.
just log it all the time.
theres possibly an error here.
log some more things.
use appropriate accessor func.
remove some of the debugging stuff.
more debug.
be explicit about this check.
still working this out.
this should do it.
the beat goes on.
backwards logic.
make back btn an arrow to the left.
woot! Cross your fingers!
be smart about how the back button works.
more navigation stack logic.
add pop() method to Fuse.history.
trying to make this reasonable.
stahp. just stahp logging that to the console. 😩
wrangling map. 😰
yay ako that wont compile. 👏
log Fuse.history.size() output.
go go go go go go go go.
sorry my commit messages got crazy I was listening to wolfmother.
just going to have to live with that for now I suppose.
hookup right button stuff.
ugh :(
wow ako. just wow.
my goodness.
fix that.
using bens awesome styling in trip detail!
full sails sir!
ready to pull it in.
merge conflicts! yeah.
preparing for build.
more build prep.
fix things.
even MORE fixing.
some more fixes in prep for build.
6.4 deployed, hike version to 6.5
lets go.
more stuff.
finished with categories.
Merge PR #146.
getting ready for build.
build mode.
comment out dev mode.
bump version.
naming trip stuff.
should be names.
some modifications.
naming trips done.
Merge PR #147.
prep for next build and also remove ghost taps.
stop with the double buttonry!
remove troubling alert maybe?
sweetness. Bug resolved. Build time.
build prep. Added @Benjaminkanderson to provisioning profile.
hike build.
export your trips.
setup handlers.
ok for now.
Merge PR #155.
fix merge conflicts from #155.
build prep.
hike version.
build prep.
use built and compressed files.
more build prep.
hike version after build.
better trips.
better trip and time data.
Merge PR #157.
add chart library.
building fillup chart......
not sure how all this stuff got jacked so bad?
debugging the heck outta this! >>>>>>....<<<<<<<<<<
apparently you have to set a timeout on geolocation inside of a cordova env for it to even work.
build the changes.
Maybe there's an error happening in the geolocation callback?
little bit of fancy.
add notifaction plugin.
more things.
removed stupid geolocation.
still broken.
chart stuff.
building chart and enhancing fillup data.
bind the events.
thats not a jQuery object......
charting library.
more charts.
push some data onto the costs array.
each label has to correspond with a data point.
color the chart.
had to add the built files I suppose.
Merge PR #158.
hike version. This next version will be a full alpha RC. Lets make it good.
working out data entry
lock map and dollar sign.
wrap the cost input in a jQM fieldcontain data-role.
correct input placement.
use some css trickery to make this happen.
position other dollar sign.
more fancy!
switch to month that reflects the data we actually have.
not sure why were storing shortMonths, longMonths, and currentMonth in the Fuse object...? Also fixing month issues.
add a little inset box shadow to trip map.
work map work.
rethink this strategy.
striving towards a better map.
going to try and box shadow the surrounding elements.
dont include css twice. Craziness!!!!!
wo0t!!! Sorted trips! Closes #160
clear fillup form on reopen.
fix weird Fuse.longMonth stuff.
better refresh.;
even better refresh.
maybe this will sort correctly.
formatDate is getting a facelift.
ok sorting is fixed and done.
Merge PR #164.
remove misc logging statment and rebuild.
add proper duration value to trip detail screen.
lol @ myself sometimes.
apply bens styling to trip detail divide totals.

Benjamin Anderson (29):
Started addind some styling to fuel
I don't think I saved before my last commit
Some styling for fuel page.
Finishing up the fuel styling.
Finished up styling changes on fuel. Now moving on to trips again.
Removed collapsableness from trips and fixed some crazy stuff that was going on with the CSS. Now I'm going to move on to adding collapsableness to ththe days.
I don't quite have the collapsible stuff working but I want to merge what I have and get it in the build.
Merged fuse-style
Added more data to the trips. I'm looking into finding a way to organize that data better. I can't seem to get collapsing to work. I'll keep plugging away at in until I do though.
Fixed some of the styling issues on the trips pages.
Collapsibles are working.
Style fix.
Style fixes. Not sure why my changes arent showing...
Switched index.html to dev state.
Lots of different things. Mostly updating trips based on feedback from the meeting yesterday. I've still got quite a bit of work before this will be ready for a build.
Finishing up some work fromt he feedback I got at the meeting Tuesday. I still need to get trip aggregate data working but this is to a point where it can be merged.
Merge with touchup-style
Removed padding.
Finish merge.
Working on a bunch of stuff, mostly trips and the trip detail screen. I'm trying to get the month bard to switch even in it is only for show right now.
Wow! Such Work! So Fuse. Amaze. Many code... Anyway, now that the Doge jokes are out of the way. I've been working SOOOO hard on the way that Trips looks. I've finished most of the core features from the Tuesday meeting but I'm not quite done yet. I've been adding in some changes to the way things look and it's finally starting to look actually good instead of just ok.
Gaaaaah! I'm SOOOOO close but this just isn't quite there yet. Looks like I'll be up EARLY monday morning to finish this up. It's going to look sooooo good though.
Well, I've disrupted the entire color scheme... Will be worth it when I'm done.
This still isn't perfect but it is good enough to merge and then I can branch and improve it even more with the plans that I have.
Merge pull request #156 from kynetx/trip-feedback
Fixed transparency issues.
Some CSS cleanup. There were old classes and styling that weren't even being applied. I also renamed and designed some of the previous classes so that they make more sense. There is still quite a bit to work to do in the area of cleanup but I feel better about how it is now and I want to move back into making this thing look AMAZING! I lightened the totals section but I still feel like that needs to feel more seperate from the other areas.
Merged my cleanup branch.


26 Apr 05:40
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v0.0.6 Pre-release

Fuse v0.0.6.


a2c1e6a Merge build branch.
4c52e36 final build stuff.
df3e8eb bring it over to ios platform.
1f201ca new distro files.
7efb252 more build modifications.
a687163 wrangling scripts to work with new build.
6d8a4d8 move scripts to better locations.
591f692 reference dist js and css files.
0108896 building
3c9edaf Merge PR #133. ✅
90f165c Fixed trips up a bit like how I had them before and fixed a glitch with the dates that were displayed.
f4040ab Merge is almost done.
73441fd Merge PR #32.
cb2a61d fleet history.
18338f8 Merge PR #131.
ad33aa4 done w/ this.
c44e027 only initially hide mileage field.;
20de85d construct the data model yo.
f2407fd reminder saving.
15befcb add reason label.
c891c80 should be trigger.
232f623 try this.
32f19c6 pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing.
73b0803 log type.
220d3f4 log element.
2e7997e alerting some stuff.
e3f774a confirm select is working.
387bc8b some things.
79c70a0 consistency
3219148 consistent style.
ac20477 last commit for the night.
b64afb9 working on this.........
b8d9c2f sigh
8b66887 that also did not work...............ADFKLSJSDLFKJSDFLKSDFLKJSDLFKJSDKLJF
9bf3526 try just setting style on the element.
d8123cd jQM will cause me to grow my first gray.
0e14631 lol if you dont close textareas.
45960a9 more formness.
41b2b32 eww some invalid css.
637f951 custom styling in jQM === :( :( :( :( MEGASADFACE OF DEATH.
e61a046 reminder type.
62c2b9d prevent the default behavior.
3f898b7 when the form is submitted....
874f1e4 chug chug chug chug chug.
6afa5fb done with sanity check.
65b5d7d sanity check that event hookups are working as desired. flipptyscratch.
1a4e2a0 should also be "Reminder" in header.
cbaedb7 reminder for Fiesta.
dfb22a5 some reminders for the f-150.
4df701c darn syntax.
05ada44 update model defaults.
361121a more data.
48fa980 extraneous paren.
2d4112c more stuff.
ba14fc5 dont tell me "reminders" is undefined. Just dont even.
d7e150e data data data data format format format format wooo wheee kachee
cb658a1 some new maintenance view awesome sauce buckets of complete sweetness OMIGOSH IM SO CLOSE I CAN TASE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
57806a8 oh yeah.
3f7afac collect them again.
21f5bbe collect some reminders.
e5e88ef man this is a lot of stuff to think about.
4abb2d6 dont need to log anymore.
6376ffc sometimes I write some code and Im like LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Im silly.
45753c7 log from serializeObject()
2d1030f handle re-rendered instances correctly.
98e4ffe some logging action.
20ee417 serializeObject function to take serialized arrays and make them useful.
71a4a2f figuring out data structure.
8fbefed more stuff per discussion yesterday.
7e98b4b reminders can also be triggered by a mileage value.
6709399 put default reminder values in VehicleModel.
8aff968 run cordova build.
81255ce reminder check.
afb41ad charging ahead.
168e58d backing template data.
dae55ac collect vehicle reminders.
245ef4c you have to name stuff right!!!!
dc0ae84 overall header is now Care Care as per discussion yesterday.
7e9d96d its reminder index silly AKO!!!
e57bdf4 how 'bout some templateness????
304adb3 reminders view work.
b580f73 views.
d2964d1 hook up rjs for MaintenanceRemindersView.
ba96d22 some goodness.
bc43e8b testing something for ben.
b68b25d nuke some logging.
af43766 dont need to log on render anymore.
0a79f2c build for ios.
9c24238 resolve merge conflicts for PR #130.
e6ae646 Merge PR #129.
d9c1dc6 This isn't beautiful yet but at least it is working now.
5cbb6a1 Pushing this so I can look through my commits. I've changed something recently that has caused the trips to return undefined undefined. I need to find what it is.
d39b1cd Last commit of the night. Goodnight #126.
bdb117a put the button on the left and make sure theres an actual date. #126.
b51937b log the date object.
796b4e8 you still have to open the popup duh. #126.
332f974 stay on target. stay on target. STAY ON TARGET. #126.
19f5f55 remove extraneousness #126.
7447759 remember maintenance date.
038e488 use .buttonMarkup() to style button element after the fact. crosses fingers.
959c767 refresh button. #126.
49e5369 some button fanciness.
142507e build for ios duh. #126.
ad5d247 dont forget to log the data. #126.
a81861d lil' success message for everyone. #126.'
f383f32 woot woot #126.
1678dfc log target element #126.
43ee95b stuff.
df8ab62 log the serializeArray deliciousness. #126.
1a288e5 theme a.
bef03f3 theme b for BOSS. #126.
99fd3cf theme b for BOSS. #126.
a682be0 more tastiness. #126.
57c3a01 have some tasty nuggets of code #126.
5585cf5 debugging stupid issue more.
531d92c debugging stupid issue.
11a08eb here have this width.
0cb6906 IM IN AN OBJECT SILLY. #126.
df92fbc a bar.
c2f72c5 form changes #126.
2d571e8 its .one() you dunce AKO.
0550e4d use .once()
c9e214b try this. #126.
25edfbe ios stuff. #126.
75fd5b9 alert reminder form work. #126.
aa4963b alert reminder form work. #126.
54770cf address correct popup. #126.
782e19a maintenance is def the most complex view in the whole app.
33bf643 reminder form. #126.
63056e9 pass code and message to reminder scheduling. #126.
e17849d explanation popup. #126.
5e6eef0 Log on alert tap. #126.
f86553b just use collectVehicleAlerts function even if theres just one vehicle. #126.
1f063d0 more for #126.
63a50e5 debugging.
85ca5bd Fuse.showWithContext()
b29b76c fix syntax error #126.
6b0f0ee make buttons on splash view do something.
7a80d11 more #126.
2758263 saving state. #126.
999e5b3 jqm red button styling.
0281e17 Theres some flow I desire to talk through Tuesday but until then Ill just make some executive desicions and you can push back. #126.
a046647 more goodness #126.
dd53387 more #126 goodness.
d8cb4a3 fixed annoying as heck bug where sometimes jQuery would not be defined. Forced jQuery to be a dependancy of sidr and all is well.
5d277be Changed my FTH functions to make them more readable.
d290b7a Fixed an error in the getTime function.
bcdd3b4 Added a function for grabbing the time out of a formated date.
de04ea4 Removed duplicate duration formating function.
cdfa9f4 Changed all representations of time to endTime.
cd84988 Removed some file that I originally thought I would need.
4afa0e9 alerts view is done. #126.
c9dfd7d latest changes into ios dir. #126.
9d64cfd determine for whom we are rendreing. #126.
385d35c #126.
b263cb2 Messing around with styling.
4e52c98 Fixed the FTH monthDayYear fuction so that it can handle extra spaces in the string it is passed. This fixed some issues I was having with some of the date strings.
9f3cdbf add csv file of tags for record-keeping purposes.
6750c51 Added an FTH function that changes a date string into month day year format using abbreviated months.
e736d76 Added logic for trips in the same day. I need to change the data I'm grabbing though in order to test it.
0108925 testing something....
086bf59 Got the basics for the trips working thanks to some help from AKO. Now it's on to the easy part. applying the styling.
bd42678 build for ios. Goodnight. #126.
4cc1c80 remove some extraneous stuff. #126.
ceb70c6 lots more for #126.
28be7eb cordova build execution to bring changes to ios platform. #126.
823c3f6 Maintenance Alert stuff and some other goodness. Formatting in fleet.router New maintenance alert templates New maintenance alerts views
d59ca0f fix tab/space mix again. Why does this keep happening?????/?????
c3bea3c Merge PR #125.
f812e68 let jquery mobiles default controlgroup styling run the stupid show. #124.
dde88c0 more #124.
9423fe8 maintenance splash. #14.
119e703 ........ Working on figuring this out still. I'm not sure why it can print the date for the object but not the values of it. I'm sure it's a simple mistake that I am making because this in slightly new territory for me.
6bd1099 Got the dates working. I'm still figuring out the trips.
6f6d6de maintenance spash work for #124 shoot me now cordova!!!
7ccd877 weirdness.
1b3111c adding extra files.
eb35bfe add important plugins.
f6e6898 update config.
ecab10a config changes.
1d795c0 building cordova app with modified plist.
54c1410 updating version to reflect version being worked on.
25a40e8 convert app to dev mode.
df4de6d update readme.
d9385ee The code now builds the object and I'm logging it to see what it looks like.
64eef17 Added logic for trip view.
27795a6 merge PR #123.
566686b more readme.
caf4a8b readme.
51a99e5 update readme.
89b6364 much trial and tribulation.
1e05de3 ios build build build.
4ed8da2 ios layer.
0137358 some changes for build.
ebb9a05 more cordova build prep.
9f4015a restructure to fit cordova build style.
04f32dc Merge branch '52-trip-tool-design' into style
b8c1dbc More CSS. Next I'll merge AKO's stuff over to this branch.
c1d294c More work with trip total data.
8eb5b24 Work towards finishing styling for other skeletons.
412d280 Fuse v0.0.5
cf64d57 prepping for next build.
89c0380 Merge PR #118.
65eefdd merge PR #119.
34efa84 done.
e2566e3 addFillup definition.
e9e1dba done with #113 v1.0.
df6dd9c fix some errors in logic.
40eeda7 the body of a places request #113.
ac6a56d so much boilerplate to get to something that is really quite simple at its core.
55f14f0 initialize placesservice in correct place.
a0d6d67 I copied out my trip view rendering code and the used undo to get back to a working build so that Alex can merge this with the new templates and views.
da3f58c Working on trip data.
8403a80 Starte working on the active icons.
9e2e926 Added ids to all the footer icons.
807b492 places calls.
f78feb7 Got the start to the trip tools date parsing working.
d6edf72 take odometer reading.
46e56e3 more things for #51 & #113.
bd21108 give some margin to the fillup form #113 #51.
8ae87ad beginnings of #113 form.
b823fd7 The start to moving my css over to the trips...

Read more


14 Apr 04:31
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v0.0.5 Pre-release

Fuse v0.0.5. Changes since v0.0.4:

cf64d57 prepping for next build.
89c0380 Merge PR #118.
65eefdd merge PR #119.
34efa84 done.
e2566e3 addFillup definition.
e9e1dba done with #113 v1.0.
df6dd9c fix some errors in logic.
40eeda7 the body of a places request #113.
ac6a56d so much boilerplate to get to something that is really quite simple at its core.
55f14f0 initialize placesservice in correct place.
a0d6d67 I copied out my trip view rendering code and the used undo to get back to a working build so that Alex can merge this with the new templates and views
da3f58c Working on trip data.
8403a80 Starte working on the active icons.
9e2e926 Added ids to all the footer icons.
807b492 places calls.
f78feb7 Got the start to the trip tools date parsing working.
d6edf72 take odometer reading.
46e56e3 more things for #51 & #113.
bd21108 give some margin to the fillup form #113 #51.
8ae87ad beginnings of #113 form.
b823fd7 The start to moving my css over to the trips and adding the functions to parse the trips and make them look good.
c8d86a2 popup #113 and #51.
26c3de8 Merge PR #112.
f1e37ac finished fuel skeleton.
3c983cc more template.
5b39a03 fuel tmpl.
3a202f0 polishing fuel view.


25 Mar 22:39
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v0.0.4 Pre-release

This includes Trip Tool v1.0. (#52) and other improvements to view, router, controller, and map logic.


  • db8b3d9 new fuse version (v0.0.4)
  • 9cce599 Merge branch 'master' into build
  • 8ea9f54 version in copyright comment.
  • d64d900 build fuse v0.0.4
  • 398c57f Merge branch 'master' into build
  • 51fb0c5 hike version in fuse.js
  • 1f238d7 v0.0.4
  • 69f7e66 hike fuse version in preperation for build.
  • 7b9e20c make dummy data more compelling for demoes.
  • 3f836f4 add header to find car view.
  • fac1d0f merge PR #101.
  • eefe467 fixed weird bug by adding a dedicated view for a trip map.
  • 81688d7 use another view to represent a trip map instead of trying to reuse the find car view. Confusing and - will just cause more bugs in the long run.
  • 3ede577 tracking down strange bug.
  • d54b039 complete salience algo.
  • 9e64f6d half of algorithm.
  • b438954 explanation of salience algorithm.
  • 913d5ff supplementary trip waypoint salience algorithm.
  • 3997959 log instead of alert and throw not yet implemented error.
  • 79624d2 logging map stuff.
  • 8a8fa83 More map goodness.
  • e35321e render routeView.
  • aa39f02 more flippity map reverse goodness.
  • ed3d71e place pin to flip to view trip on a map.
  • 25b44e1 pass a map config to the individual trip views.
  • 56dc9db bind collapsibleexpand event.
  • 511918c switch on map overlay types.
  • b978508 formatting.
  • 979aa88 styling data points.
  • 5b0cef6 key data points.
  • a3470a5 more time formatting.
  • 3c7a70f time formatting.
  • fd4548e oh so close....
  • 660be15 remove T indicator from formatDate template helper.
  • 59aac3a date formatting for trip headers.
  • f110184 trip views.
  • 5889708 add totals section.
  • 2cc3a38 readability.
  • 0922c14 fix logic error which was messing up tranisitoning between views and keeping track of history.
  • 6fcbba7 view event handler and some other love.
  • c8cac18 more trips. See #52.
  • 2fcaaa5 aggregate itesms.
  • 910f1d2 change lat lng/address for F-150 in Fuse.FIXTURES.fleet
  • 8fa21ca more trip tool goodness.
  • 9bc117f an aggregate model.
  • 5eee2c6 aggregates are namespaced by a time period.
  • 98f0a72 more mods.
  • 8ac2cc0 revised data model.
  • 4a6aabb GGGGGRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • e5cca6e reformat all the errant tabs to spaces. AAAAAAH!!!! PLEASE STOP THIS!!!! $%($@%()$#)(*%
  • b530489 aggregates for fleet & modified time value.
  • b6c6a31 fleet aggregates.
  • 1787747 aggregate item view for #52.
  • 00f6682 style.
  • e33969f aggregate item view.
  • 9c62bad templates.
  • e44f038 trips trips trips trips.
  • 816696b Merge PR #100.
  • e484c47 more trip view.
  • cb89cf6 Minor changes in css.
  • f6d97b1 Changes some of the alpha values on the colors.
  • 6ff2c06 aggregate trip view for #52/#98
  • c974c66 I added a simple color change for the fuel level.
  • 85ee735 adding more views.
  • e776954 Fixed a spacing issue on the vehicle detail screen.
  • c3de9b3 I added the error code into the vehicle detail screen as well.
  • ca1e400 Added in more information on the vehicle detail view. I made sure that in that view you can see the full address. I need to also make sure that it shows the error codes if there is one.
  • aa6fca0 minor changes to the css to make sure that the grids work on a phone.
  • 40f9589 Added mpg to the vehicle details.
  • 3b08cb2 More changes to the codes. They look really nice already.
  • 719714c doing stuff.
  • 0662dfc Added in vehicle codes.
  • 63bffb1 new templates and modifications to fuse.js
  • 7f9e84a dummy trip data.
  • ed34e3b breaking the trips view down
  • c3635dc composeTripList.
  • dd45400 Some other minor design touch-ups.
  • b343b12 It's actually starting to look good now. The detail template is still meh though.
  • 24aec01 last work for the day. Tomorrow will be awesome.
  • 39951ba Made the extra details look even better.
  • db0206d Finally was able to imitate the list view.
  • ba792b8 Logic for determining if we are going to show and aggregate trip view or a concrete trip view.
  • 754bf84 trip collection.
  • cc4a95e extraneous space.
  • e929bc5 real sample trip model data.
  • eeeb50b Started working on vehicle detail screen.
  • 1c5db6c horizonal threshold.
  • f09a872 Merge PR #99.
  • 84fac36 added space to end of file.
  • 1d9eaa2 added space to end of file.
  • 13d437a Refactor of collection filtering.
  • 1db3ad2 more code for #98.
  • 1bdde4f render code for trips collapsible view.
  • 983405d see #98.
  • 8a8177f fleet view touchups.
  • bf80469 pushing code for trips tool.
  • 71ba79f newline
  • dfd8050 apply a swipe threshold and create trips view scaffolding.
  • c447761 add trips.view.js.
  • c80092e Lightened the color.
  • 62a4e26 changed the style of the icons again. This looks better to me.
  • 0adbada Now it's looking better. It's not perfect but it's readable.
  • 86a8da7 Added a more subtle change to the edges of the info boxes on the fleet list.
  • 6ce9695 I could mess around with this for forever but I just can't seem to get it right... I think I need to move on to the detail page so that I can improve the way that that looks and maybe it will give me ideas for this.
  • 6dbc197 More small changes to the listview.
  • e517c82 Update from Friday.
  • e8d9c25 I don't even know if I like this but I thought I would try it.
  • 922c5ab Merge PR #97.
  • 729dbd1 Changes to list veiw to make it look better.
  • b406644 built a class for the vehicle icons.


13 Mar 22:25
Choose a tag to compare
v0.0.3 Pre-release

This includes:

  • v1.0 of Find Car (#53)
  • significant styling additions/changes (#45)
  • all icons now in footer (#45)
  • vehicle list view enhancements (#63)
  • Universal system for triggering callbacks with a desired context (#53)
  • Saving the app to homescreen (#45)
  • new favicon (#45)


11 Mar 00:18
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v0.0.2 Pre-release

This prerelease includes, among other things, Fuse.history, which keeps track of application state and manages transitions accordingly.

Fuse app v0.0.1

04 Mar 22:27
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Fuse app v0.0.1 Pre-release

This pre-release contains rudimentary, but functional vehicle list and vehicle detail views along with header and footer templates.