Based on Active Support
NeoBundle 'kyohsuke/sinplu.vim'
of course you can use Vundle, pathogen or any plug-in manager.
" if you need mapping as you like, you can do like this.
let g:sinplu_no_mappings = 1
nmap <Leader>s <Plug>SingularizeWord
nmap <Leader>p <Plug>PluralizeWord
nmap <Leader>t <Plug>ToggleWord
" you can add Singularize/Pluralize rule.
" syntax is same as substitute(<word>, <from>, <to>, <flag>)
let g:sinplu_singular_override_wards = [
\ ['from', 'to', 'flag']
\ ]
" for example, here is override the 'index -> indices' rule to 'index -> indexes'
let g:sinplu_plural_override_wards = [
\ ['(ind)ex$', '\1exes', 'i']
\ ]