environment jaeger is coming from grafana devenv influx/grafana is coming from internet i will try to found again the source docker-compose for jaeger and grafana.. are in nother project
theis test contain differents services that call eah other implenting opentracing
implements ''customer'' that want to buy coffee or tea with credit card or money
is the main entry point called to buy a drink
simulate the production
is the core of data persistence
will push money
- 190702
added docker-compose ... and how to start documentation
- 190701
clean code and factorize some methods prepare externalization of configuration with variable
for execution you need to launch docker-compose for directory : *dbdashboard *jaeger of https://github.com/kyrianae/coffeetea-docker-env I merged different git project and changed 2 or 3 things (mainly networks) in each directory launch the command
docker-compose up Ii use 2 ways to this opentracing test
I use pycharm community edition ./code is the root of scripts each script is working and don't need any parameter on command line just need to launch each script linking env file : local.properties to the execution
./build-container.sh 0.1 0.1 is preconfigured in the docker-compose for the next step
as for backends with the command
docker-compose up
for the moment there is only jaeger ( I will try to add zipkin in parallel or with a switch) on url https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gkVjCMaj-pbeadzqDE_A3ChqdJugNckW/view
I will not present this amazing dashboarding tool on url in directory dashboard tyou will find some dashboard that use the influx db database for custom metrics https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iXSKeyLVpKKBRTVZ8kx_lJxunOF2o9n6/view
- docker-compose for services
- kubernetes deployement
- switch metrics push in opentracing (opencensus ? ...)
- add API to change number of client, states frequencies, number of threads .....
issue on water curve with non real time data ??????
due to Flask on data tried to switch to multi threaded but is not enough real use case to check why it s not working :)