This repository is used for DEEPICE training schools. It is an introduction to climate data analysis with python. It contains materials for both Finse winter school and the extension for AWI summer school.
While you can use GitHub to clone this repository, if you are not comfortable using git yet you can download this repository as a ZIP file from the top right "Code" dropdown menu button. Create a new folder called "finse_school" and then unzip the file, this is also where you will save the data folder from the google drive link. The final file structure will be ./finse_school/Finse_data_analysis and ./finse_school/data
If you wish to use git the instructions are detailed below. To use GitHub on your computer, you need git installed. To clone a Git repository to the folder 'finse_school', you need to change the currrent working directory to 'finse_school' using 'cd' ('pushd' on Windows) and then use 'git clone' + the URL of the repository in a terminal. Note the command started with a dollar sign is to be issued in a terminal.
$ cd your_path_to_the_folder_finse_school
$ git clone
For students who attended Finse winter school, you need to go through the file in the folder 'preparation_for_awi_training'.
For students who didn't, please go through the files in the folders 'preparation_for_newcomers' and then 'preparation_for_awi_training'
In case of issues, feel free to contact Qinggang Gao (