In JSON's structured form,
A schema for labs is born,
Defining workflows to transform
Experiments into automated norms.With keys and values aligned
Each step of the process defined,
From sample prep to data combined,
Efficiency and precision entwined.No more manual toil and strife,
As machines perform tasks with life,
And scientists focus on the rife,
Groundbreaking discoveries ahead in sight.So let this schema be the guide,
To automate and simplify with pride,
As lab experiments reach new heights,
And knowledge flows like a rising tide.
Laboperator workflows are described by template files referred to as Workflow Template and its subset, Workflow Step Template. Their structure is defined by JSON schemas. You can explore the schemas in the documentation.
To improve the experience of writing workflow templates, you can enable validation against the workflow schemas in your text editor by associating files with a JSON schema. See the WIKI page for instructions.