Dragonfly extension for urban heat island modeling.
Dragonfly-uwg uses the Urban Weather Generator (uwg) to morph EPW files to account for the urban heat island effect.
pip install -U dragonfly-uwg
import dragonfly_uwg
- Clone this repo locally
git clone git@github.com:ladybug-tools/dragonfly-uwg
# or
git clone https://github.com/ladybug-tools/dragonfly-uwg
- Install dependencies:
cd dragonfly-uwg
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run Tests:
python -m pytest tests/
- Generate Documentation:
sphinx-apidoc -f -e -d 4 -o ./docs ./dragonfly_uwg
sphinx-build -b html ./docs ./docs/_build/docs