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Please see the repository overview as well as the task description before reading this report. The theoretical details of the utilized algorithms can be found in the repository overview.

The Unity environment contains two versions:

  • Single agent version
  • 20 agent version (each agent experiences it's own copy of the environment)

In the solution provided here, we only address the 20-agent version, although the models developed can easily be adapted to the single agent version as well. The 20-agent version was preferred since 1) it allows for multiple independent experience streams to be sampled from the environment, resulting in a more robust training dataset, and 2) the multi-agent environment is suitable for distributed algorithms such as PPO, A3C and D4PG. Unfortunately these algorithms were not developed in this solution, but will be saved for a later implementation.

Trained Agent

Solution Overview

The solutions discussed in this report rely on the DDPG algorithm and it's TD3 variant.

In the 20-agent environment, the experiences from each agent are collected and stored in the same memory replay buffer. All agents share the same brain (actor, critic and optimizer), and each agent can sample from the shared memory buffer and perform batch learning. In this way, the purpose of having multiple agents is just to sample multiple trajectories of experience from the environment for a single model to learn over. The model components are as follows:

  • Memory
    • (Prioritized) replay buffer shared across all agents
    • Agents can sample from the experiences other agents have collected
  • Online Actor
    • Online actor model
  • Target Actor
    • Target actor model
  • Actor Optimizer
    • Optimizer for the actor network
  • Online Critic
    • Online critic model
  • Target Critic
    • Target critic model
  • Critic Optimizer
    • Optimizer for the critic
  • Policy
    • Contains logic for selecting actions and computing actor/critic losses
    • Options are:
      • DDPG Policy
      • TD3 Policy
  • Actor Optimizer Scheduler
    • Learning rate scheduler for the actor optimizer
  • Critic Optimizer Scheduler
    • Learning rate scheduler for the critic optimizer

TD3 Solution

Setup and Architecture

The TD3 actor/critic models are simple MLPs with leaky_relu activations as shown below:

  • Actor
  (fc1): Linear(in_features=33, out_features=256, bias=True)
  (fc2): Linear(in_features=256, out_features=128, bias=True)
  (fc3): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=4, bias=True)
  • Critic
  (q_network_a): Critic(
    (fc1): Linear(in_features=33, out_features=256, bias=True)
    (fc2): Linear(in_features=260, out_features=128, bias=True)
    (fc3): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=1, bias=True)
  (q_network_b): Critic(
    (fc1): Linear(in_features=33, out_features=256, bias=True)
    (fc2): Linear(in_features=260, out_features=128, bias=True)
    (fc3): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=1, bias=True)

Where the major difference between TD3 and DDPG is that the critic has been split into two independent streams, each learning an independent estimate of the q-value. See the TD3 section of the readme for details of the TD3 architecture.

  • Memory

    • A prioritized replay buffer was utilized, demonstrating a faster learning rate than the standard replay buffer
    • A warmup of 5000 steps per agent is conducted with random actions to initialize the replay buffer
    • α is annealed linearly to 0 from an initial value of 0.6
    • β is annealed linearly to 1 from an initial value of 0.4
  • Noise (used both for exploration and for evaluating actions)

    • Gaussian noise was used for both exploration and action evaluation. The use of Gaussian noise led to slightly better convergence than the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.

Leaky relu activations were chosen as they demonstrated slightly better convergence and stability as compared to ReLus.

The model hyper-parameters are given below:

SEED = 0
GAMMA = 0.99            # discount factor
TAU = 5e-3              # for soft update of target parameters
N_LEARNING_ITERATIONS = 10     # number of learning updates
UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 20       # every n time step do update
MAX_T = 1000
LR_ACTOR = 1e-4  # learning rate of the actor
LR_CRITIC = 1e-4  # learning rate of the critic
WARMUP_STEPS = int(5e3)

The TD3 algorithm makes use of the POLICY_UPDATE_FREQUENCY parameter, which indicates after how many time steps the policy network and target-network updates should be applied.


Below we show the plot of mean episode scores (across all agents) versus episode number.

Trained Agent

The environment was solved (mean reward of >=30) after 61 episodes. The training time was substantial at roughly 1.5 hours. In contrast, the vanilla DDPG algorithm with non-prioritized replay demonstrated poor convergence and increased sensitivity to hyperparameter choices (results for DDPG not shown as a result).


The TD3 algorithm demonstrated good stability, convergence and sample efficiency properties, solving the environment in just 61 episodes. The task was learned very quickly, where the "solved" score of 30 was achieved in only about 10 episodes, where another 50 episodes were required to bring the average score to > 30.

We note that the TD3 algorithm performed better using Gaussian noise for exploration and action evaluation rather than the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, and the use of the prioritized replay buffer improved the initial learning rate as compared to the vanilla replay buffer.

Ideas for Future Work

There are a number of important extensions and ideas for future work, which we discuss below:

Robust hyper parameter and architecture tuning

The performance of TD3 was found to be sensitive to hyper parameters and model architectures. For example, changing the initial learning rate, the noise-distribution parameters and the number of hidden layers significantly. Previously for the Banana-Collector task we took advantage of Pytorch's Ax package for hyper parameter tuning, and doing the same analysis here would be useful. One challenge preventing the usefulness of hyper parameter tuning is the length of time it takes to train in these environments. For this reason, it would be useful to develop heuristic measures of performance which do not require significant training time, looking at features such as stability and learning rate.

Experiment with alternative architectures
  1. Implement Hindsight Experience Replay and contrast performance with prioritized experience replay and the standard replay buffer
  2. Utilize sequential information by stacking frames, utilizing recurrent networks and performing action repeats
  3. Experiment with alternative noise strategies for exploration and action evaluation
  4. Experiment with layer normalization and regularization techniques such as batch/layer normalization and dropout
  5. Implementation and experimentation of N-step/multi-step returns
Implementation of distributed algorithms

The time required for training was one of the main bottlenecks for development, making asynchronous/parallel algorithms appealing. This becomes more important when we wish to perform intensive tasks such as hyper parameter tuning.