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(DOCKER) Developper Mode Setup (to contribute)

Corentin edited this page Jul 9, 2022 · 6 revisions

Using Docker to install the complete developper environnement is the prefered way to contribute and run IMPatienT code ! Please make sure you have Docker installed on your computer (Linux) or Docker Desktop (Windows/Mac).

For VSCode user, the .devcontainer folder contains the configuration required to use the Remote: Containers extension to develop in this container.
For users of other IDE or that don't want to use the VSCode extension, see bellow for the generic guide !

  1. Clone the repository using:
    git clone
  2. Build the docker image and run it using by running:
    cd IMPatienT
    chmod +x docker/

Congrats ! The application should be up and running at the address: http://localhost:5000/

Any modification you do to the code will be saved and applied directly to the app.


  • To use your own data instead of empty db/ontology, simply populate de the data/database/ data/ontology/ data/images/ folders accordingly. Also you can dvc pull to get our dev-data from the internet if you are part of the CSTB Team. DVC is a python package that needs to be installed on your computer using pip install dvc[all]
  • To have a second terminal inside the container (to run flask db migrate for example), simply run docker exec -it impatientdev /bin/bash in your new terminal !