This is a guided project provided by my lecturer. The dataset is created after the same structure as the dataset from the bank. The idea is to predict whether a customer will repay a loan based on their loan record. Python was used to process, visualize data and deploy machine models. This is a team project, my team has 5 members include:
- Lam Nhut Thinh (me)
- Nguyen Tuan Hung
- Thai Tuan Kha
- Doan Thi Ngoc Dieu
- Tran Thanh Truc
The specific roles of each member in this project are as follows:
- Lam Nhut Thinh (me) and Nguyen Tuan Hung: deploy machine learning models, data processing, data visualization, write report.
- Thai Tuan Kha, Doan Thi Ngoc Dieu, Tran Thanh Truc: research and write report.