Releases: lancelothk/BSPAT
Releases · lancelothk/BSPAT
BSPAT_standAlone v1.0.2-beta-standAlone
change log:
- Minor bug fixes.
- Manual update.
BSPAT_standAlone v1.0.1-beta-standAlone
change log:
- fix bugs in CLI interface.
- update standALone manual
- update CLI error information
BSPAT_standAlone first release
First release for BSPAT_standAlone. It is a stand alone version of BSPAT-web. Currently it supports most features of BSPAT but with more flexibility.
Manual for stand alone version
Features not implemented in stand alone version:
- Absolute genome coordinate showing in figure.
- UCSC genome browser track of patterns.
- dbSNP query and link.
major update
Fix few minor bugs.
Correct inaccurate coordinates.
Fixed issues with using minus strand reference and seqs mapped to bottom strand.
Fixed issues when including partial CpG site in either end of the target region.
Update supported JDK version to 1.8.
First release
First release