- using commit log of existing issues we calculate the correct author
- using symfony actvity: matched at 70%
- without symfony actvity: matched at 32%
- age
- repo_num
- follower_num
- commit_comment_num
- commit_num'
- issue_comment_num
- issue_event_num
- issue_number
- org_number
- pr_comment_num
- pr_num
- collaborator_num
- n_clusters: 2
- n_init: 10 (default)
- max_iter: 300 (default)
- tolerance: 0.0001 (default)
- algorithm: auto - em, elkan (default)
- n = 474
- 30%
- criterion: entropy
- split: best (default)
- max_depth: 13
- max_features: None - use all (default)
- random state: 0
- criterion: entropy
- n_estimators: 10 (default)
- max_depth: None (full depth)
- random_state=3