This is the GitHub reposotiry for Carleton course Data5000. Any coding files, dataset and relevent files will be here.
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01/13 Find a team member.01/21 Paper Selection.01/21 Project Proposal.- 02/04 Paper presentation.
- 03/10 Presentation outline.
- 03/24 Poster presentation.
- 03/31 Data Day. Project presentation.
- 04/07 (Last day of course)
- 04/14 Project report dead line.
2020.01.21 Update
- Create python file 3 ~ 6 with their statistical graphs.
2020.01.15 Update
- Import raw data to Mongo DB.
- First try PCC.submitting changes.
2020.01.09 Project starts
- Dataset were arrenged at folder /data/
- Due to raw data is too huge to upload to GitHub, raw data will be ignored when submitting changes.
The contnt you see is written at README file, where developers usually put develop progress, instruction or anything important related with project. You can learn how to modify this file at here.
No license. All rights reserved by Lance Wang (@ycpss91303) and Miaoran Dong (@miaorandong).