Vanilla Javascript Video-Player library for Youtube and Vimeo. Should be simple and quick to use. Does not require any other libs.
- Just add the script to your project
- In a script tag, or it's own js file create a new VideoPlayer object and call the init function();
- Pass your options and a callback function for when it's done loading
- Profit
<div class="video-slide-container" id="video_player-{{videoid}}" data-video-player data-video-type="{{youtube|vimeo}}" data-video-id="{{videoid}}" ></div>
// Get the Wrapper:
vidWrapper = $("[data-video-player]");
// Get the data:
var videoId = vidWrapper.attr("data-video-id");
var videoType = vidWrapper.attr("data-video-type");
// Create an new video player:
new VideoPlayer().init({options: {
type: vimeo|youtube,
video_id : videoId,
iframe_id: 'video-iframe-' + videoId,
The init function takes two arguments, an object that holds an options object, and a callback funtion when the video player has been built. Here is an example of how it works: Notice: { options: { ...put options here... } }
<div class="video-slide-container" id="video_player-{{videoid}}" data-video-player data-video-type="{{youtube|vimeo}}" data-video-id="{{videoid}}" ></div>
// Get the Wrapper:
vidWrapper = $("[data-video-player]");
// Get the data:
var videoId = vidWrapper.attr("data-video-id");
var videoType = vidWrapper.attr("data-video-type");
// Create an new video player:
new VideoPlayer().init({
options: {
parent: vidWrapper,
type: videoType,
video_id : videoId,
iframe_id: 'video-iframe-' + videoId,
frameborder: 0,
scrolling: 'no',
width: "100%",
height: "auto",
volume: volume,
settings: {
autoplay: autoplay,
loop: 1,
fullscreen: 1,
controls : 0,
modestbranding : 1,
vq: '720',
rel: 0,
showinfo : 0,
wmode: "transparent",
// Callback functions
events: {
ready: onReady,
play: onPlay,
pause: onPause,
finish: onFinish,
}, onPlayerInit)
// Main callback after player init:
function onPlayerInit(_videoPlayer){
When you create a new player and call init you can pass in options object. For settings see above code. You can also pass in an events object inside of the options object. Ex: var options = { events: {} }; new vp().init({options: options});
Inside of the events object you can put event to listen for change to the video player. It would look something like this: Ex:
var options = {
events: {
ready: onReady,
play: onPlay,
pause: onPause,
finish: onFinish,
new VideoPlayer().init({options: options});
// When player is ready callback:
function onReady(){
// do stuff
// These callbacks are bound to the video player, so (this === current video player)
// var videoPlayer = this;
// videoplayer.player.playVideo();
// or
// this.player.playVideo();
// Call onPlay Callback function:
function onPlay(){
// do stuff
function onPause(){
// do stuff
function onFinish(){
// do stuff
options = {
parent: undefined,
type: undefined,
video_id : undefined,
iframe_id: 'video_iframe',
frameborder: 0,
scrolling: 'no',
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
volume: 0,
settings: {
autoplay: 0,
loop: 0,
fullscreen: 1,
vq: '720',
events: {
ready: undefined,
play: undefined,
pause: undefined,
finish: undefined