Network Automata can be animated with the Netomaton animate_activities
For example, the evolution of a 2D 60x60 Cellular Automaton can be visualized using:
ntm.animate_activities(trajectory, shape=(60, 60), interval=150)
The evolution of a 1D Celluar Automaton with 200 cells can be visualized using:
# note that the shape specified is a tuple containing only a single value
ntm.animate_activities(trajectory, shape=(200,))
Because a Network Automaton consists of a vector of activities at each timestep, that vector can be reshaped and visualized however desired. For example, the evolution of a 1D Cellular Automaton with 225 cells can be visualized as if it were a 2D Cellular Automation, using:
ntm.animate_activities(trajectory, shape=(15, 15), interval=100)
The full source code for these examples can be found here.