Netomaton supports automata with hexagonal node lattices. A hexagonal node with a neighbourhood of radius 1 is depicted below:
The example below demonstrates the "snowflake" Cellular Automaton, described on page 371 of Wolfram's A New Kind of Science:
import netomaton as ntm
network = ntm.topology.cellular_automaton2d(60, 60, r=1, neighbourhood="Hex")
initial_conditions = ntm.init_simple2d(60, 60)
def activity_rule(ctx):
return 1 if sum(ctx.neighbourhood_activities) == 1 else ctx.current_activity
trajectory = ntm.evolve(initial_conditions=initial_conditions, network=network, timesteps=31,
ntm.animate_hex(trajectory, shape=(60, 60), interval=150)
The full source code for this example can be found here.