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Messy Codebase

This is a Laravel application that is intentionally written to violate each known best practices.


Feature #1

Feature: Display Thumbnails
  In order to show photos
  Visitors should be able to
  see a list of thumbnails to vote

  Scenario: Visit Home Page
    Given Im on home page
    Then I should see a list of thumbnails

Feature #2

Feature: Voting
  In order to get votes
  Visitors should be able to
  click a button to vote

  Scenario: Upvote
    Given Im on home page
    And I like a certain photo
    When I press the upvote button
    Then It should increase the votes for that thumbnail

  Scenario: Downvote
    Given Im on home page
    And I dislike a certain photo
    When I press the downvote button
    Then It should decrease the votes for that thumbnail

Local environment via Docker

For developing locally, it is recommended to have docker-compose in order to setup all the software required. Just to go the project's root folder and type:

docker-compose up -d

then you can login to the workspace

for MacOS/Linux

docker exec -it reverseproxy-admin_workspace_1 /bin/bash

for Windows

winpty docker exec -it reverseproxy-admin_workspace_1 bash

all the required tools is present inside this container for you to use. Otherwise, feel free to install all the requirements as mentioned above.


Copy the .env.example file

cp .env.example .env

install the dependencies

composer install

generate app key

php artisan key:generate

create db schema

mysql -u user -psecret messy -h mysql < storage/db.sql