Change FOV in csgo using very few lines. The method is most likely to not get detected by VAC.
Due to recent changes to CSGO, this cheat may be detected by VAC. Please use this at your own risk.
import pymem
import requests
fov = 120
proc = pymem.Pymem("csgo.exe")
client = pymem.process.module_from_name(proc.process_handle, "client.dll").lpBaseOfDll
engine = pymem.process.module_from_name(proc.process_handle, "engine.dll" ).lpBaseOfDll
offsets = requests.get('').json()
dwLocalPlayer = int(offsets['signatures']['dwLocalPlayer']])
player= proc.read_int(client + dwLocalPlayer)
proc.write_int( player + 0x332C, fov)