Here is two camera models commonly used in SLAM/VO, it consists of MEI and Pinhole. It can rectify image or points, lift from pixel to unit plane and project from world to pixel. It gives both implementation based on OpenCV and no-OpenCV, so that we can explore all of the algorithm.
More details see blog
It's tested in Ubuntu 16.04
OpenCV 3.2.0 is used in the code.
we use Eigen 3.2.29.
This is used to record log in log
sudo apt-get install libgoogle-glog-dev
After clone, run:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
The calibration files are stored in calib
folder, and the format of yaml can refer to the examples.
The images are stored in data
We can test the code using commands:
./bin/test ./calib/cam0_tumvio_mei.yaml ./data/1.png
After finish running, corrected image will be put to data
folder, and name format is:
original name + _ undist _ + model(pinhole or mei) + original extension
hello.jpg ==> hello_undist_mei.jpg
Author Blog:
- kb4模型
J. Kannala and S. Brandt (2006). A Generic Camera Model and Calibration Method for Conventional, Wide-Angle, and Fish-Eye Lenses, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 1335-1340
- mei模型
Mei, Christopher, and Patrick Rives. "Single view point omnidirectional camera calibration from planar grids." Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. IEEE, 2007.
- ds模型
Usenko, Vladyslav, Nikolaus Demmel, and Daniel Cremers. "The double sphere camera model." 2018 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV). IEEE, 2018.
- eucm模型
Khomutenko, Bogdan, Gaëtan Garcia, and Philippe Martinet. "An enhanced unified camera model." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 1.1 (2015): 137-144.
- omni模型 Scaramuzza, Davide, and Katsushi Ikeuchi. “Omnidirectional camera.” (2014): 552-560.