This is a companion python module to my Northstar mod ParseableLogs
for now clone the repository and run pip install .
Note: The library should be fully typehinted, so i encourage you to use a typechecking linter such as pylance
The basic usage is as follows
from r2logparse import Server
from r2logparse.models import Player
server = Server(playerlist_timeout=120)
def on_killed(killer: Player, victim: Player):
print(killer, "killed", victim)
for log_line in your_log_source():
This will parse all the logs using recieve_log. You will likely want to somehow stream them live from the Northstar server.
Players will be removed from the playerlist after timeout seconds, this is to ensure that if a disconnect event is missed, the player doesnt remain tracked in the playerlist forever.
Server object attributes:
- playerlist: Playerlist
- recieve_log: function to call with the string log message
- add_callback: decorator to add a callback
Playerlist object attributes:
- players: Dict[int uid, Player]
Player object attributes:
- location: Vector
- teamId: int
- ping: int
- kills: int
- deaths: int
- alive: bool
- titan: bool
available events for add_callback are:
- killed: victim killed by killer, callback args: (Player, Player)
- connected: player connected to the server, callback args: (Player)
- respawned: player respawned, callback args: (Player)
- updated: player object updated (most likely a new position vector), callback args: (Player)
- deleted: player object deleted (due to disconnect or timeout), callback args: (Player)
keep in mind that callbacks will be called after you call recieve_log on the same thread. The entire library is synchronous.
Please check out the for a example of how to use this module with the Grafan Loki log collector.