This web application is called 'Mijn Boeken App' and it displays all of my books (out of a database). The books will have a couple of characteristics displayed below.
- A picture
- A title
- An author/authors
- Number of pages
- A genre (and subgenres)
- A year
- A format (like paperback, hardcover or epub/audiobook)
- A language
- Nationality of author etc.
- Is it a series? If yes, which one in the series?
- Already read? If yes, review/remarks, number of stars, when was it read etc.?
Furthermore, the web app will have some functionality:
- It will have dashboard functionality, graphs with genre or the amount of books read in a given year for example.
- It will also be able to add books, update the database of books, be able to delete books and to give the books a status (like reading at a certain percentage)
- It will be able to see the database of books
- It is able to make lists of books, of genre/read/challenges/toberead/wanted
On the homescreen, a couple of recently added/updated books will be displayed. More so, the books currently reading are at the top of the homescreen. Beneath this, there will be the dashboarding functionality, in which the user itself might at one point be able to choose which graphs he would like to see.