This one-day tutorial walks you through with the Serverless Framework. It is intended for people already familiar with JavaScript and preliminary Node.js knowledge.
After this tutorial, you should:
- Be able to create a Serverless service on your own
- Know what happens under the hood in AWS and in Serverless framework
- Have a simple, but testable and production ready service
Supplementary material:
- Serverless Computing presentation:
- Cheat Sheet: Cheatsheet
- Node.js installed (the tutorial uses v7.5.0)
- Personal AWS account
- A HTTP client (the tutorial uses Postman)
- Serverless 1.X installed (the tutorial uses 1.7.0)
Goal: Get to know Serverless CLI and how it plays with AWS. We create a simple Serverless service.
- Configure the environment
- Create run, deploy & delete a Serverless function
- Create a HTTP(S) endpoint
- Peek into Serverless YAML configuration
- Peek under the hood: What happened in AWS: Lambda, API Gateway, Cloudwatch
Exercise: Set up your own project, run, deploy!
- Configure your credentials
- Create a Hello, World that accepts input
- Invoke it remotely & over HTTPS - experiment with the data that API Gateway provides
- Deploy & monitor the logs when you call it
- Optional: Write error handler(s) supporting a few types of input
- Path
- JSON body
- Query string
More information:
- Git branch 01-hello-world
- API Gateway proxy format
Goal: Learn to structure Serverless service so that it can scale for a few dozen services/endpoints.
- Creating a sample project layout
- Calling remote services with request-promise-lite
Exercise: Modify your project layout, call remote services.
- Slackbot hook that does something
- Simple REST wrapper of your target API (Google Wiki with hard-coded credentials)
- (Optional: Create dev/test/alpha/prod stages)
More information:
- Git branch 02-large-project-layout
- Slack Slash commands
Goal: Understand Serveless plugin system and how everything in Serverless is actually a plugin. Peek into a few plugins that you will use in real life.
- Storing secrets with serveress-secrets
- Minifying builds & supporting ES2015+ using Babel & Webpack with serverless-webpack
- Testing Serverless functions with serverless-jest
- Safe storage of your secrets
- Basic automated system tests of your app
- (Optimized bundle)
sls webpack serve
does not work with Proxy Lambdas :(- Lambda wrapper in serverless-jest-plugin only wraps Lambda body (no headers, paths etc.)
- Many npm modules will not tolerate web pack (will be solved in later exercise)
More information:
- Git branch 03-using-plugins
- serverless-secrets-plugin
- serverless-webpack-plugin
- serverless-jest-plugin
- JEST testing Framework
- Creating a AWS RDS (Postgres) instance using CloudFormation
- Simple database migration script using Knex
- Reorganising your project so that it works with node modules that do not support webpack
- Create simple DAO connectivity for your service
- This is the hardest session, because it opens all the gory details of Webpack incompatibilities, large module dependency graphs and CloudFormation failures
- Do not do CloudFormation in your individual exercises - you are provided with credentials.
More information:
- Git branch 04-serverless-cloudformation-db
- Knex and Objection DB wrappers
- CloudFormation templates
Goal: Understand that with some dirty tricks, you can create very-low cost web services using S3 and AWS Lambda.
- Finish your Slackbot
- (Write a simple web frontend as an alternative command channel, if the time permits)
- There is no Git branch prepared - this is a walkthrough of AWS Squirrelbin sample
More information: