Let assume the potential/model name is XXX. Three (or four) main steps are required:
Creation of a Fortran file, XXX_m.f90, containing the potential/model in the SRC/QML directory. All the required subroutines and the new type (QML_XXX_t) are stored in this Fortran file.
Modification of fhe Fortran file, Model_m.f90, in the SRC diretory.
Modification of the makefile.
It is highly recommended to add a procedure to test the potential in the SRC/TEST_model.f90 file.
See the SRC/QML/Test_m.f90 file. This Fortran module contains:
This type is associated to the potential/model: QML_XXX_t. It should contains all parameters of the potential (ideally with private atributes) Alternatively, you can define the potential data as Fortran parameters directly in the module or in the potential subroutine. Even, if empty, this type MUST be defined. The type also contains "type-bound procedures" map to generic procedures:
- EvalPot_QModel: a subroutine to evaluates the potential at given coordinate values
- Write_QModel: a subroutine to write informations of the model
- Cart_TO_Q_QModel: (optional) a subroutine to transform Cartesian coordinates to the ones used in the potential (internal, normal modes ...)
This function returns QModel of type QML_XXX_t and which contains the data of the new potential. The argument QModel_in is needed for the initialization of QModel. read_param and nio_param_file are, respectively, a flag to read potential extra parameters (or to change some parameters) and the Fortran unit to read those extra parameters.
Several parameters could be defined in the function:
- QModel%pot_name: the name of the potential/model (with the example, Model%pot_name='xxx')
- QModel%ndim: the number of degrees of freedom. It can be a fixed value or a default value and/or you can test it with respect of acceptable values.
- QModel%nsurf: the number of electronic states (diabatic or adiabatic).
- QModel%Q0[:]: some coordinate values, mainly to test the potential.
- QMode%Gdef[:,:]: A matrix which contains the metric tensor (covariant components) at a given geometry. The diagonal elements can be view as the inverse of an effective masses (the default is the identity matrix).
Remarks: Special features must be added when the transformation between Cartesian coordinates to the ones used in the potential (Cart_TO_Q=.true.) is required. Then, two other parameters are needed:
- QModel%ndimCart: the number of Cartesian degrees of freedom.
- QModel%ndimQ: the number of degrees of freedom used in the potential.
Then QModel%ndim must be defined as follows:
IF (QModel%Cart_TO_Q) THEN
QModel%ndim = QModel%ndimCart
QModel%ndim = QModel%ndimQ
This subroutine is bounded to the QML_XXX_t type and mapped to the generic procedure Write_QModel. The dummy arguments are:
- QModel of QML_XXX_t type which will print.
- nio is Fortran unit to print QModel.
This subroutine is bounded to the QML_XXX_t type and mapped to the generic procedure EvalPot_QModel. The dummy arguments are:
QModel of QML_XXX_t type which contains potential parameters.
Mat_OF_PotDia: a matrix of dnS_t type, to store the potential value (matrix of dnS_t type).
dnQ: a vector of dnS_t type which contains coordinate values (and derivatives).
nderiv: an argument to control the derivative order (normally, it is not used).
For instance, the following expression is diabatic coupling term between the first and the second diabatic potential and it is proportional to the first coordinate (dnQ(1)):
Mat_OF_PotDia(1,2) = dnQ(1) * QModel%c
Remark: if required, the intermediate variables MUST be of the dnS_t type.
This subroutine is bounded to the QML_XXX_t type and mapped to the generic procedure Cart_TO_Q_QModel. The dummy arguments are:
- QModel of QML_XXX_t type which contains potential parameters.
- dnX: a matrix of dnS_t type which contains the Cartesian coordinates (dnX(3,Nat), where Nat is the number of atoms)
- dnQ: a vector of dnS_t type which will contain coordinate values (and derivatives).
- nderiv: an argument to control the derivative order (normally, it is not used).
The transformation has to be implemented.
Two modifications must be made in the /SCR/Model_m.f90 file.
Add the use of the new module QML_XXX_m in the Init_Model subroutine.
In the select case of the Init_Model subroutine, add those Fortran lines:
CASE ('xxx') ! the potential/model name MUST be in lowercase letters
!! xxx-potential
allocate(QML_XXX_t :: QModel%QM)
QModel%QM = Init_QML_XXX(QModel_in,read_param=read_nml,nio_param_file=nio_loc)
To create the source file list and the dependencies run:
make dep