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Protect the castle

protect the castle

Which side are you on? the Destroyer or the Protector? the castle is under attack!!! As a Protector, you have to use your shiled to deflect all of the Destroyers' fireballs until exhaustion to save the castle. if you choose to be a Destroyer, You have to get pass through the shield and wreck havoc inside the castle.

About the game

This game is a 2d shooting game played by two opposing sides, each player will either choose the role of the
Destroyer or the Protector of the castle. The Destroyers' goal is to get through the Protectors' shield. The protector needs to protect the castle by blocking enough fireballs using the shield and the game will be won, the Destroyers' mission is to shoot enough fireball past the shield and the Destroyer will win the game. Deployed link : Protect the Castle

Tech Being Used

  • JavaScript
  • Canvas


  • render two players
  • two movable objects that can move from left to right
  • render a circle that fires at the will of the shooter and moves at a certain speed
  • use key a and d for destroyer to move and space bar to fire
  • use key left and right for the shield
  • Destroyer fire rapid circles (player has control when to fire)
  • protector needs to block the circle
  • implement detection
  • if the shield blocks certain amount of circles, the shield wins, or else the destroyer wins
  • if the circle collides with the shield, destroyer gets a score
  • if the circle collides with the upper edge, destroyer gets a score
  • will display winning message


  • add game modes to change ball speed
  • player 1 and player 2 animation
  • Player 1 limited fire special ball
  • Player 2 limited ability to slow down balls
  • against AI


wireframe project1


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