An example of java crud / rest api with hibernate, MySQL, springboot, lombok.
Run on Server -> Apache Tomcat 9
Get (/user/users) http://localhost:8080/usermanagment/user/users
return all users from mysql database
Get (/user/user/{id}) http://localhost:8080/usermanagment/user/user/1
return a specific user by id
Post (/user/add) http://localhost:8080/usermanagment/user/add
posting as json/application a new user
{ "usedId":1, "userEmail":"", "userName":"lazaros", "userPhone":"6912345678" }
Delete (/user/delete/{id}) http://localhost:8080/usermanagment/user/delete/4
delete a specific user by id
Put (/user/update) http://localhost:8080/usermanagment/user/update
update a json/application user data to database
{ "usedId":1, "userEmail":"", "userName":"lazaros", "userPhone":"6912345678" }