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This repository contains a complete scaffold that allows you to get started creating your Typescript libraries with ease, below is the list of features:

Table of contents

How to use


  • Find-and-replace all instances of typescript-library-template with your library's name.
  • Within your CircleCI's Organization Settings, add a new context named npm, and add an environment variable named NPM_TOKEN to that context to publish the built package to npm.
  • Add an SSH user key to your CircleCI project so that version commits can be pushed into your remote repository.
  • Create a project level environment variable named GH_KEY that contains the fingerprint for the SSH user key created above so that CircleCI can commit back to your repository on Github when the versioning job runs.


To develop your library code, just add it to projects/lib/src.

Be sure to add anything that you'd like to export to projects/lib/src/index.ts, or else, nothing can be imported from your library.


Add your test files next to the source files that you want to test, I chose this pattern instead of placing all of the test files inside a separate folder called __test__ because it is easier to see which modules already have a corresponding test file. Your test files should end with .test.ts for Vitest to pick up.

Execute pnpm test to run all of your unit tests or pnpm test -- --watch to run all of your tests in watch mode. If you need to run a specific test file, pass its name like this pnpm test -- add assuming that there exists a test file named add.test.ts (pnpm test -- Ad also works thanks to Vitest's case-insensitive partial matching).

Building and publishing

Before you publish your library, you should update your README file to provide some documentation about your library and choose an appropriate software license. The following items will be copied to the final package in <rootDir>/dist folder to be published:

  • <rootDir>/
  • <rootDir>/LICENSE
  • <rootDir>/docs
  • <rootDir>/projects/lib/package.json

Where <rootDir> is the root directory of your library.

Execute pnpm build to build your source code. The built package will support both CJS and ESM package formats.

Once you are ready to publish, you can execute pnpm publish-package to upload your library code to the npm registry (Be sure to npm login before publishing).

Note: It's highly recommended, that, instead of manually publishing, you should use the CircleCI pipeline to do it because it will run linting, testing, and building steps before letting the publishing step happen.

Manual testing

You should perform a manual check of your library locally to be sure that everything works as expected, to do that, you can update the typescript-library-template string inside visual-test/package.json file to the name of your library. Be sure to pnpm install inside visual-test folder so that the symlink to your library is updated, assuming that you've already built your library code inside lib folder with pnpm build command within <rootDir>.

After pnpm install inside visual-test folder, you can start using your local library code as if it were a third-party package, in other words, your import statement should look like this:

import { Something } from 'typescript-library-template';

instead of

import { Something } from '../../../lib/src/;

To begin testing, import your library code into index.ts file, then you can perform one of the following to verify that everything is working correctly.

  • Run pnpm run:browser to run your code as a browser app within visual-test directory.
  • Run pnpm run:node to run your code as a Node app within visual-test directory.