There are also 2 other sites used as CDNS:
- - used for hosting static web asssets (images, videos, icons etc)
- - used for hosting usercontent such as avatars etc.
The api requires for each node to be able to include a php file containing secrets and config info using the following format:
// infrastrucure
const MYSQL_DATABASE = "team013";
const MYSQL_USERNAME = "team013";
const MYSQL_PASSWORD = "database password";
const MYSQL_SERVER = "localhost";
const SESSION_VALIDATION_BASE = "http://localhost:4231/";
// encryption
const SESSION_SIGNING_ALGO = "sha3-256";
const SESSION_ENCRYPTION_ALGO = "aes-256-cbc";
const PASSWORD_RESET_HMAC_ALGO = "sha3-256";
// gcp
// both 256 bit keys
const SESSION_ENCRYPTION_KEY_HEX = "session encryption key";
const SESSION_SIGNING_KEY_HEX = "session signing key";
const PASSWORD_RESET_ENCRYPTION_KEY_HEX = "forgot password key";
const PASSWORD_RESET_HMAC_KEY_HEX = "forgot password signing key";
// gcp
const GCP_CREDENTIALS_OBJECT = Array(); // creds.json array form
const GOOGLE_ASSET_BUCKET_NAME = ""; // storage bucket name
Install PHP VS16 x64 Non Thread Safe
Extract to
(Optional) Install the PHP Server extension for VS Code
(If using the extension) Change the php server location to serve from
OR open theweb/
folder directly in vscode -
In the extension settings give the directory of your php folder and php.ini to PHP Server
Start the php server in the
folderMake sure there is a trailing slash in URLs because php server wont load styles or scripts if there isnt.
URLs should look like this:
(If not) The repo comes with some run and debug configurations, select
php launch web server
navigate to localhost:8000
The site should now function like normal on your local machine.
- change the php include path to include the api folder include_path = ".;C:..\githubrepo\api"
- enable the openssl, curl, mysqli, mbstring, fileinfo extensions
- download the GTSRootR1 and Digicert GlobalRoot G2 certificate from the iternet
- add the
entry to the config under the[curl]
heading - install composer
- install the composer packages: google/cloud-storage in the api folder
- install mariadb and setup an account to access
- create the secrets.php
- generate 2 encryption keys in a hex representation
- insert the database credentials you just created
- import the database format (dump.sql on the discord or get the latest backup from gcp) using 'mariadb < dump.sql' with the credentials
- instead of running the web server like above select
- the api will need a copy of the invalidation service running so make sure you can run (and possibly build) it
- in global-api.js uncomment the const API_BASE and change it to the address of the php server you just started