This is a working example of open source YABC - Yet Another Blynk Controller a ESP8266 based 3x relay controller with Blynk.
- YABC can be found at: and Tindie
- This is the most basic Blynk App with the initial 2,000 energy points, you'll find a more complex one at: YABC Extended but you'll need to buy energy from Blynk.
The firmware has been writen using PlatformIO which is a nice, neat IDE, check it out: Learn how to install PlatformIO IDE
If you're feeling brave and want to customize or improve the Firmware Over the Air (OTA), check this link: Over-the-Air (OTA) update basically you change your sketch and upload it by running the following line on PlatformIO terminal:
platformio run --target upload --upload-port IP_ADDRESS_HERE
OR if you want to use Arduino IDE: Arduino IDE OTA
Download Blynk App: Getting Started with Blynk
- Download Blynk App: or
- Touch the QR-code icon and point the camera to the code below
- Enjoy my app!