Download the linux version of the vpn from the following website:
Once the download is complete you should have a file called anyconnect-linux64-4.6.04056-predeploy-k9.tar.gz
. You will need
to extract the file. Use the following command.
tar xfv anyconnect-linux64-4.6.04056-predeploy-k9.tar.gz
This will extract the tar file into the current directory. Once complete you should have a new folder called anyconnect-linux64-4.6.04056
In the directory where you extracted the tar file cd
into the vpn folder and run sudo
cd anyconnect-linux64-4.6.04056/vpn
sudo ./
Once the installation is complete you can run the vpn binary in the vpn folder.
This will open the anyconnect CLI. Run the following command in the CLI to connect to the VPN server.
Enter your credentials and you are now connected. You can disconnect by typing disconnect
within the CLI.
Once the installation is complete you can run the vpnui binary in the vpn folder.
Enter your credentials into the input boxes and press connect. You can disconnect by pressing the connection tab and pressing disconnect.