QCheck is a library for automatic unit testing of Standard ML modules. You provide specifications (in the form of ML code) of the properties that your module's functions should satisfy, and ask QCheck to exercise the module with randomly-chosen test cases. It will show how many cases passed the test, and print counter-examples in case of failure. Actually, random testing is just one possibility; QCheck can pull test cases from any kind of stream (disk file, data structure, etc.)
The best way to demonstrate the capabilities of QCheck is with a simple example. Let's begin by writing a few tiny functions on integers: successor, even, and odd:
fun succ x = x+1
fun even x = x mod 2 = 0
fun odd x = x mod 2 = 1
⊣ val succ = fn : int → int
⊣ val even = fn : int → bool
⊣ val odd = fn : int → bool
Now we need to think of a property that we expect to hold for this
implementation. Here is a trivial one: every integer is either even
or odd. That is, for any x
exactly one of the functions even
returns true; the other returns false. One way to specify this in
ML is to use <>
(not equal), which amounts to an exclusive OR when
applied to boolean values.
fun even_xor_odd x = even x <> odd x
⊣ val even_xor_odd = fn : int → bool
We now call upon QCheck to test this property on a bunch of randomly chosen integers. QCheck checkers are polymorphic. To test integers, we'll have to specify two things: a generator that produces integers, and a printer that can convert integers to strings (in case there are counter-examples to be printed).
open QCheck infix ==>
val int = (Gen.Int.int, SOME Int.toString)
⊣ val int = (fn,SOME fn) : int Gen.gen * (int → string) option
Finally, we call checkGen
with the int
spec, a string to identify
the test, and the property we are testing.
checkGen int ("even<>odd", pred even_xor_odd);
⊣ even<>odd..............ok (100 passed)
⊣ val it = () : unit
The output indicates that QCheck tested the property on 100 random integers, and all of them succeeded. (The number of cases required to complete the test is configurable. *Note Settings::.)
For the next example, we will demonstrate a conditional property: the successor of any even number should be odd.
val succ_even_odd = even ==> odd o succ
⊣ val succ_even_odd =
checkGen int ("even+1=odd", succ_even_odd);
⊣ : int prop
⊣ even+1=odd.............ok (100 passed)
⊣ val it = () : unit
In this example, the 100 test cases that passed were all ones that met the condition: they were all even. Odd numbers trivially satisfy the property (by falsifying the condition) and are not counted.
Now, let's try the inverse property: the successor of an odd number should be even:
checkGen int ("odd+1=even", odd ==> even o succ);
⊣ odd+1=even.............ok (17 passed) Shrinking...
⊣ odd+1=even.............FAILED (39/40 passed) Shrinking...
⊣ odd+1=even.............FAILED (66/68 passed) Shrinking...
⊣ odd+1=even.............FAILED (93/96 passed) Shrinking...
⊣ odd+1=even.............FAILED (94/98 passed) Shrinking...
⊣ odd+1=even.............FAILED (95/100 passed)
⊣ counter-examples: 1073741823
⊣ 1073741823
⊣ 1073741823
⊣ 1073741823
⊣ val it = () : unit
Oops! QCheck found a counter-example: the maximum 31-bit integer. It
is odd, but since its successor is undefined, the property does not
hold. (We were not extraordinarily lucky to generate maxInt
this time
around; in fact, the generator is biased so that zero, minInt
, and
are chosen more frequently than other integers, precisely
because they are often "boundary conditions." *Note Generating test
At any rate, what is broken here is not really our implementation,
but rather the specification of the property. We need to limit it to
odd integers that are less than maxInt
fun odd_not_max x = odd x andalso x < valOf(Int.maxInt);
checkGen int ("odd+1=even", odd_not_max ==> even o succ)
⊣ val odd_not_max = fn : int → bool
⊣ odd+1=even.............ok (100 passed)
⊣ val it = () : unit
Other properties involve pairs of integers. For example, the sum of two odd numbers is even.
fun both_odd(x,y) = odd x andalso odd y
fun sum_even(x,y) = even (x+y)
fun show_pair(x,y) = Int.toString x ^","^ Int.toString y
⊣ val both_odd = fn : int * int → bool
⊣ val sum_even = fn : int * int → bool
⊣ val show_pair = fn : int * int → string
QCheck includes not only generators for most primitive and aggregate data types, but also functions for combining them in various ways. To generate random pairs of integers, we "zip" together two integer generators.
checkGen (Gen.zip(Gen.Int.int, Gen.Int.int), SOME show_pair)
("odd+odd=even", both_odd ==> sum_even)
⊣ odd+odd=even...........ok (80 passed) Shrinking...
⊣ odd+odd=even...........FAILED (99/100 passed)
⊣ counter-examples: 1073741823,329
⊣ val it = () : unit
All of the counter-examples overflow the sum computation. I'll leave fixing this specification as an exercise for the reader.
Test cases need not be randomly generated. Here is an example where the pairs will be taken from a list, but they could just as easily be read from a file. *Note Specifying test cases::.
check (List.getItem, SOME show_pair)
("sum_odds_even[]", both_odd ==> sum_even)
[(1,1), (3,5), (3,4), (* this one won't count! *)
(~1,1), (21,21), (7,13)]
⊣ sum_odds_even[]........ok (5 passed)
⊣ val it = () : unit
I provided 6 pairs in the list, but only 5 counted because (3,4)
not meet the precondition of the property.
The examples in the preceding sections used several top-level functions
from the QCheck
structure. Here, we will examine the signature of
, beginning with its sub-structures.
structure Gen : GENERATOR_SIG
structure Files : FILES_SIG
structure Settings : SETTINGS_SIG
The Gen
structure contains random value generators for all the basis
types, including aggregates like vectors and lists. It also contains a
rich library of combinators such as zip
, map
, and filter
. *Note
Generating test cases::.
is provided to make it easy to use lines in a file or files
in a directory as test cases. *Note Specifying test cases::.
contains various user-customizable settings, including
user-definable output styles. *Note Settings::.
This signature contains functions for specifying properties and
observing the distribution of test cases. In preceding sections, we met
two of its members: pred
converts a predicate (boolean function) on a
given type to a property, and ==>
creates a conditional property. A
property over a given type t
has type t prop
. *Note Properties::.
Two types are useful for discussing the parameters of the various
type (α,β) reader = β → (α * β) option
type α rep = (α → string) option
An (α,β) reader
pulls objects of type α
from a stream of type
. In this case, the objects are test cases of some type. (This is
defined the same way as StringCvt.reader
.) The type α rep
is an
(optional) method for rendering test cases as strings. It is used in
case there are counter-examples to be printed.
Now, the most general function for invoking QCheck is called check
It takes 3 (curried) parameters:
val check : (α,β) reader * α rep →
string * α prop →
β → unit
The first parameter is a reader and representation pair. It contains everything the checker needs to know about the type of the test cases, and the same pair can be reused to check additional properties of the same type.
Next is the property name and specification. This parameter will be different for each property checked. The name is just a string used to distinguish the results of this test in the output.
Finally, you provide a stream of test cases. The source of the test cases is arbitrary, as long as a matching reader is provided. They could be randomly generated, read from a data structure, extracted from the file system, etc.
We provide several specializations of check
that are useful in
particular circumstances. First, checkGen
is for checking randomly
generated test cases. The random number stream is implicit, and the
reader is always a generator from the Gen
val checkGen : α Gen.gen * α rep →
string * α prop → unit
Second, if we just want to check one particular test case, the reader
is trivial (and therefore omitted), and the stream
is just the test
case itself:
val checkOne : α rep → string * α prop → α → unit
Third, if we want to provide a shrinking function, QCheck will try to find a smaller counterexample:
val checkGenShrink : (α → α list) → α Gen.gen * α rep →
string * α prop → unit
Fourth, if we want to use the checker as an API, we can pass a continuation that takes a list of bad objects and some stats.
val cpsCheck :
(α → α list)
→ Property.stats
→ (α, σ) reader * α rep
→ α prop
→ (string option * Property.result * Property.stats → unit)
→ (α list → Property.stats → β)
→ σ
→ β
Finally, the Qcheck
structure includes a pair version
that can be
useful in determining the version of QCheck you are using. The
contains expanded version information that can be used by
darcs to reconstruct this precise configuration of QCheck.
val version : int * int
val context : string
The version information currently reported by QCheck.version
⊣ val it = (1,2) : int * int