- E01.md
- E02.md
- E03.md
- E04.md
- E05.md
- E06.md
- E07.md
- E08.md
- E09.md
- E10.md
- E11.md
- E12.md
- E13.md
- E14.md
- E15.md
- E16.md
- E17.md
Name: Grigory
Student number: AB0229
Student group: TIC21S1
Course code: TTC1030-3014
This is a course that I took during the second semester of my first year at Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (JAMK)
- EXOS - virtual switch
- Vyos - virtual router
- Lubuntu - VMs that were attached to virtual routers and switches
- VirtualBox - was used throughout the whole course to import VMs in .ova format and use them
- VS code - was used throughout the whole course to create documentation in .md format
- GitLab - initially, documentation was stored on the university's GitLab
- draw.io - was used to draw physical and logical topologies
- Wireshark - was used on the lubuntu VM to test network(s).
2017 MacBook Pro
- Intel Core i5
- 128GB SSD
The main challenge for me was the lack of RAM on my laptop. The first few exercises went well but later on, I had to play Russian roulette every time I did an assignment. My OS crashed countless times.
There is always a human factor, that causes most of the problems in every IT company. Personally, it happened to me but eventually, I fixed all of the issues I caused myself :)
For each assignment the time that I spent varied. For the first five assignments, we had full guidance thus these were done in no time, then we were released to float freely. I must admit, that it took some time to get used to it but after a few exercises my time spent significantly decreased.
I have done 17 out of 17 exercises, passed the exam and got a 5 for the course.