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kim-em committed Jun 6, 2024
1 parent 66655c8 commit fb81a8f
Showing 1 changed file with 4 additions and 113 deletions.
117 changes: 4 additions & 113 deletions Batteries/Data/String/Lemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,14 +9,9 @@ import Batteries.Data.String.Basic
import Batteries.Tactic.Lint.Misc
import Batteries.Tactic.SeqFocus

@[simp] theorem Char.length_toString (c : Char) : c.toString.length = 1 := rfl

namespace String

@[ext] theorem ext {s₁ s₂ : String} (h : s₁.data = s₂.data) : s₁ = s₂ :=
show ⟨s₁.data⟩ = (⟨s₂.data⟩ : String) from h ▸ rfl

theorem ext_iff {s₁ s₂ : String} : s₁ = s₂ ↔ s₁.data = s₂.data := ⟨fun h => h ▸ rfl, ext⟩
attribute [ext] ext

theorem lt_trans {s₁ s₂ s₃ : String} : s₁ < s₂ → s₂ < s₃ → s₁ < s₃ :=
List.lt_trans' (α := Char) Nat.lt_trans
Expand All @@ -34,34 +29,10 @@ instance : Batteries.LTOrd String := .compareOfLessAndEq

instance : Batteries.BEqOrd String := .compareOfLessAndEq String.lt_irrefl

@[simp] theorem default_eq : default = "" := rfl

@[simp] theorem str_eq : str = push := rfl

@[simp] theorem mk_length (s : List Char) : ( s).length = s.length := rfl

@[simp] theorem length_empty : "".length = 0 := rfl

@[simp] theorem length_singleton (c : Char) : (String.singleton c).length = 1 := rfl

@[simp] theorem length_push (c : Char) : (String.push s c).length = s.length + 1 := by
rw [push, mk_length, List.length_append, List.length_singleton, Nat.succ.injEq]

@[simp] theorem length_pushn (c : Char) (n : Nat) : (pushn s c n).length = s.length + n := by
unfold pushn; induction n <;> simp [Nat.repeat, Nat.add_assoc, *]

@[simp] theorem length_append (s t : String) : (s ++ t).length = s.length + t.length := by
simp only [length, append, List.length_append]

@[simp] theorem data_push (s : String) (c : Char) : (s.push c).1 = s.1 ++ [c] := rfl

@[simp] theorem data_append (s t : String) : (s ++ t).1 = s.1 ++ t.1 := rfl

attribute [simp] toList -- prefer `` over `String.toList` in lemmas

theorem lt_iff (s t : String) : s < t ↔ s.1 < t.1 := .rfl

private theorem add_csize_pos : 0 < i + csize c :=
Nat.add_pos_right _ (csize_pos c)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,69 +86,13 @@ end

namespace Pos

@[simp] theorem byteIdx_zero : (0 : Pos).byteIdx = 0 := rfl

theorem byteIdx_mk (n : Nat) : byteIdx ⟨n⟩ = n := rfl

@[simp] theorem mk_zero : ⟨0⟩ = (0 : Pos) := rfl

@[simp] theorem mk_byteIdx (p : Pos) : ⟨p.byteIdx⟩ = p := rfl

@[ext] theorem ext {i₁ i₂ : Pos} (h : i₁.byteIdx = i₂.byteIdx) : i₁ = i₂ :=
show ⟨i₁.byteIdx⟩ = (⟨i₂.byteIdx⟩ : Pos) from h ▸ rfl

theorem ext_iff {i₁ i₂ : Pos} : i₁ = i₂ ↔ i₁.byteIdx = i₂.byteIdx := ⟨fun h => h ▸ rfl, ext⟩

@[simp] theorem add_byteIdx (p₁ p₂ : Pos) : (p₁ + p₂).byteIdx = p₁.byteIdx + p₂.byteIdx := rfl

theorem add_eq (p₁ p₂ : Pos) : p₁ + p₂ = ⟨p₁.byteIdx + p₂.byteIdx⟩ := rfl

@[simp] theorem sub_byteIdx (p₁ p₂ : Pos) : (p₁ - p₂).byteIdx = p₁.byteIdx - p₂.byteIdx := rfl

theorem sub_eq (p₁ p₂ : Pos) : p₁ - p₂ = ⟨p₁.byteIdx - p₂.byteIdx⟩ := rfl

@[simp] theorem addChar_byteIdx (p : Pos) (c : Char) : (p + c).byteIdx = p.byteIdx + csize c := rfl

theorem addChar_eq (p : Pos) (c : Char) : p + c = ⟨p.byteIdx + csize c⟩ := rfl

theorem zero_addChar_byteIdx (c : Char) : ((0 : Pos) + c).byteIdx = csize c := by
simp only [addChar_byteIdx, byteIdx_zero, Nat.zero_add]

theorem zero_addChar_eq (c : Char) : (0 : Pos) + c = ⟨csize c⟩ := by rw [← zero_addChar_byteIdx]

theorem addChar_right_comm (p : Pos) (c₁ c₂ : Char) : p + c₁ + c₂ = p + c₂ + c₁ := by
apply ext
repeat rw [pos_add_char]
apply Nat.add_right_comm
attribute [ext] ext

theorem lt_addChar (p : Pos) (c : Char) : p < p + c := Nat.lt_add_of_pos_right (csize_pos _)

theorem ne_of_lt {i₁ i₂ : Pos} (h : i₁ < i₂) : i₁ ≠ i₂ := mt ext_iff.1 (Nat.ne_of_lt h)

theorem ne_of_gt {i₁ i₂ : Pos} (h : i₁ < i₂) : i₂ ≠ i₁ := (ne_of_lt h).symm

@[simp] theorem addString_byteIdx (p : Pos) (s : String) :
(p + s).byteIdx = p.byteIdx + s.utf8ByteSize := rfl

theorem addString_eq (p : Pos) (s : String) : p + s = ⟨p.byteIdx + s.utf8ByteSize⟩ := rfl

theorem zero_addString_byteIdx (s : String) : ((0 : Pos) + s).byteIdx = s.utf8ByteSize := by
simp only [addString_byteIdx, byteIdx_zero, Nat.zero_add]

private theorem zero_ne_addChar {i : Pos} {c : Char} : 0 ≠ i + c :=
ne_of_lt add_csize_pos

theorem zero_addString_eq (s : String) : (0 : Pos) + s = ⟨s.utf8ByteSize⟩ := by
rw [← zero_addString_byteIdx]

theorem le_iff {i₁ i₂ : Pos} : i₁ ≤ i₂ ↔ i₁.byteIdx ≤ i₂.byteIdx := .rfl

@[simp] theorem mk_le_mk {i₁ i₂ : Nat} : i₁ ≤ i₂ ↔ i₁ ≤ i₂ := .rfl

theorem lt_iff {i₁ i₂ : Pos} : i₁ < i₂ ↔ i₁.byteIdx < i₂.byteIdx := .rfl

@[simp] theorem mk_lt_mk {i₁ i₂ : Nat} : i₁ < i₂ ↔ i₁ < i₂ := .rfl

/-- A string position is valid if it is equal to the UTF-8 length of an initial substring of `s`. -/
def Valid (s : String) (p : Pos) : Prop :=
∃ cs cs', cs ++ cs' = s.1 ∧ p.1 = utf8Len cs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,8 +177,6 @@ theorem utf8GetAux?_of_valid (cs cs' : List Char) {i p : Nat} (hp : i + utf8Len
theorem get?_of_valid (cs cs' : List Char) : get? ⟨cs ++ cs'⟩ ⟨utf8Len cs⟩ = cs'.head? :=
utf8GetAux?_of_valid _ _ (Nat.zero_add _)

@[simp] theorem get!_eq_get (s : String) (p : Pos) : get! s p = get s p := rfl

theorem utf8SetAux_of_valid (c' : Char) (cs cs' : List Char) {i p : Nat} (hp : i + utf8Len cs = p) :
utf8SetAux c' (cs ++ cs') ⟨i⟩ ⟨p⟩ = cs ++ cs'.modifyHead fun _ => c' := by
match cs, cs' with
Expand All @@ -290,8 +203,6 @@ theorem next_of_valid' (cs cs' : List Char) :
theorem next_of_valid (cs : List Char) (c : Char) (cs' : List Char) :
next ⟨cs ++ c :: cs'⟩ ⟨utf8Len cs⟩ = ⟨utf8Len cs + csize c⟩ := next_of_valid' ..

theorem lt_next' (s : String) (p : Pos) : p < next s p := lt_next ..

@[simp] theorem atEnd_iff (s : String) (p : Pos) : atEnd s p ↔ s.endPos ≤ p :=
decide_eq_true_iff _

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -325,8 +236,6 @@ theorem prev_of_valid' (cs cs' : List Char) :
| _, .inl rfl => rfl
| _, .inr ⟨cs, c, rfl⟩ => simp [prev_of_valid]

@[simp] theorem prev_zero (s : String) : prev s 0 = 0 := rfl

theorem front_eq (s : String) : front s = s.1.headD default := by
unfold front; exact get_of_valid [] s.1

Expand All @@ -340,10 +249,6 @@ theorem atEnd_of_valid (cs : List Char) (cs' : List Char) :
rw [atEnd_iff]
cases cs' <;> simp [Nat.lt_add_of_pos_right add_csize_pos]

@[simp] theorem get'_eq (s : String) (p : Pos) (h) : get' s p h = get s p := rfl

@[simp] theorem next'_eq (s : String) (p : Pos) (h) : next' s p h = next s p := rfl

unseal posOfAux findAux in
theorem posOfAux_eq (s c) : posOfAux s c = findAux s (· == c) := rfl

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,16 +423,8 @@ theorem join_eq (ss : List String) : join ss = ⟨( data).join⟩ := go ss
@[simp] theorem data_join (ss : List String) : (join ss).data = ( data).join := by
rw [join_eq]

theorem singleton_eq (c : Char) : singleton c = ⟨[c]⟩ := rfl

@[simp] theorem data_singleton (c : Char) : (singleton c).data = [c] := rfl

@[simp] theorem append_nil (s : String) : s ++ "" = s := ext (List.append_nil _)

@[simp] theorem nil_append (s : String) : "" ++ s = s := rfl

theorem append_assoc (s₁ s₂ s₃ : String) : (s₁ ++ s₂) ++ s₃ = s₁ ++ (s₂ ++ s₃) :=
ext (List.append_assoc ..)
@[deprecated (since := "2024-06-06")] alias append_nil := append_empty
@[deprecated (since := "2024-06-06")] alias nil_append := empty_append

namespace Iterator

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -803,12 +700,6 @@ open String

namespace Substring

@[simp] theorem prev_zero (s : Substring) : s.prev 0 = 0 := by simp [prev, Pos.add_eq]

@[simp] theorem prevn_zero (s : Substring) : ∀ n, s.prevn n 0 = 0
| 0 => rfl
| n+1 => by simp [prevn, prevn_zero s n]

/-- Validity for a substring. -/
structure Valid (s : Substring) : Prop where
/-- The start position of a valid substring is valid. -/
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