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feat(NumberField/CanonicalEmbedding): define the plusPart of a set #18231

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148 changes: 140 additions & 8 deletions Mathlib/NumberTheory/NumberField/CanonicalEmbedding/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -237,6 +237,18 @@ instance : NoAtoms (volume : Measure (mixedSpace K)) := by
pi_noAtoms ⟨w, hw⟩
exact prod.instNoAtoms_snd

variable {K} in
open Classical in
/-- The set of points in the mixedSpace that are equal to `0` at a fixed (real) place has
volume zero. -/
theorem volume_eq_zero (w : {w // IsReal w}) :
volume ({x : mixedSpace K | x.1 w = 0}) = 0 := by
let A : AffineSubspace ℝ (mixedSpace K) :=
Submodule.toAffineSubspace ( ⟨⟨{x | x.1 w = 0}, by aesop⟩, rfl⟩ (by aesop))
convert Measure.addHaar_affineSubspace volume A fun h ↦ ?_
have : 1 ∈ A := h ▸ Set.mem_univ _
simp [A] at this

end Measure

section commMap
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -771,30 +783,31 @@ end integerLattice

noncomputable section plusPart

open ContinuousLinearEquiv

variable {K} (s : Set {w : InfinitePlace K // IsReal w})

open Classical in
/-- Let `s` be a set of real places, define the continuous linear equiv of the mixed space that
swaps sign at places in `s` and leaves the rest unchanged. -/
def negAt :
(mixedSpace K) ≃L[ℝ] (mixedSpace K) :=
fun w ↦ if w ∈ s then ContinuousLinearEquiv.neg ℝ else ContinuousLinearEquiv.refl ℝ ℝ).prod
(ContinuousLinearEquiv.refl ℝ _)
(piCongrRight fun w ↦ if w ∈ s then neg ℝ else ContinuousLinearEquiv.refl ℝ ℝ).prod
(ContinuousLinearEquiv.refl ℝ _)

variable {s}

theorem negAt_apply_of_isReal_and_mem (x : mixedSpace K) {w : {w // IsReal w}} (hw : w ∈ s) :
(negAt s x).1 w = - x.1 w := by
simp_rw [negAt, ContinuousLinearEquiv.prod_apply, ContinuousLinearEquiv.piCongrRight_apply,
if_pos hw, ContinuousLinearEquiv.neg_apply]
simp_rw [negAt, ContinuousLinearEquiv.prod_apply, piCongrRight_apply, if_pos hw,

theorem negAt_apply_of_isReal_and_not_mem (x : mixedSpace K) {w : {w // IsReal w}} (hw : w ∉ s) :
(negAt s x).1 w = x.1 w := by
simp_rw [negAt, ContinuousLinearEquiv.prod_apply, ContinuousLinearEquiv.piCongrRight_apply,
if_neg hw, ContinuousLinearEquiv.refl_apply]
simp_rw [negAt, ContinuousLinearEquiv.prod_apply, piCongrRight_apply, if_neg hw,

theorem negAt_apply_of_isComplex (x : mixedSpace K) (w : {w // IsComplex w}) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -835,7 +848,6 @@ theorem norm_negAt [NumberField K] (x : mixedSpace K) :
mixedEmbedding.norm (negAt s x) = mixedEmbedding.norm x :=
norm_eq_of_normAtPlace_eq (fun w ↦ normAtPlace_negAt _ _ w)

open ContinuousLinearEquiv in
/-- `negAt` is its own inverse. -/
theorem negAt_symm :
Expand All @@ -862,6 +874,126 @@ theorem negAt_signSet_apply_of_isReal (x : mixedSpace K) (w : {w // IsReal w}) :
theorem negAt_signSet_apply_of_isComplex (x : mixedSpace K) (w : {w // IsComplex w}) :
(negAt (signSet x) x).2 w = x.2 w := rfl

variable (A : Set (mixedSpace K))

variable (s) in
/-- `negAt s A` is also equal to the preimage of `A` by `negAt s`. This fact is used to simplify
some proofs. -/
theorem negAt_preimage :
negAt s ⁻¹' A = negAt s '' A := by
rw [ContinuousLinearEquiv.image_eq_preimage, negAt_symm]

/-- The `plusPart` of a subset `A` of the `mixedSpace` is the set of points in `A` that are
positive at all real places. -/
abbrev plusPart : Set (mixedSpace K) := A ∩ {x | ∀ w, 0 < x.1 w}

theorem neg_of_mem_negA_plusPart {x : mixedSpace K} (hx : x ∈ negAt s '' (plusPart A))
{w : {w // IsReal w}} (hw : w ∈ s) :
x.1 w < 0 := by
obtain ⟨y, hy, rfl⟩ := hx
rw [negAt_apply_of_isReal_and_mem _ hw, neg_lt_zero]
exact hy.2 w

theorem pos_of_not_mem_negAt_plusPart {x : mixedSpace K} (hx : x ∈ negAt s '' (plusPart A))
{w : {w // IsReal w}} (hw : w ∉ s) :
0 < x.1 w := by
obtain ⟨y, hy, rfl⟩ := hx
rw [negAt_apply_of_isReal_and_not_mem _ hw]
exact hy.2 w

/-- The images of `plusPart` by `negAt` are pairwise disjoint. -/
theorem disjoint_negAt_plusPart : Pairwise (Disjoint on (fun s ↦ negAt s '' (plusPart A))) := by
intro s t hst
refine Set.disjoint_left.mpr fun _ hx hx' ↦ ?_
obtain ⟨w, hw | hw⟩ : ∃ w, (w ∈ s ∧ w ∉ t) ∨ (w ∈ t ∧ w ∉ s) := by
exact Set.symmDiff_nonempty.mpr hst
· exact lt_irrefl _ <|
(neg_of_mem_negA_plusPart A hx hw.1).trans (pos_of_not_mem_negAt_plusPart A hx' hw.2)
· exact lt_irrefl _ <|
(neg_of_mem_negA_plusPart A hx' hw.1).trans (pos_of_not_mem_negAt_plusPart A hx hw.2)

-- We will assume from now that `A` is symmetric at real places
variable (hA : ∀ x, x ∈ A ↔ (fun w ↦ |x.1 w|, x.2) ∈ A)

open Classical in
include hA in
theorem mem_negAt_plusPart_of_mem {x : mixedSpace K} (hx₁ : x ∈ A) (hx₂ : ∀ w, x.1 w ≠ 0) :
x ∈ negAt s '' (plusPart A) ↔ (∀ w, w ∈ s → x.1 w < 0) ∧ (∀ w, w ∉ s → x.1 w > 0) := by
refine ⟨fun hx ↦ ⟨fun _ hw ↦ neg_of_mem_negA_plusPart A hx hw,
fun _ hw ↦ pos_of_not_mem_negAt_plusPart A hx hw⟩,
fun ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ ↦ ⟨(fun w ↦ |x.1 w|, x.2), ⟨(hA x).mp hx₁, fun w ↦ abs_pos.mpr (hx₂ w)⟩, ?_⟩⟩
ext w
· by_cases hw : w ∈ s
· simp only [negAt_apply_of_isReal_and_mem _ hw, abs_of_neg (h₁ w hw), neg_neg]
· simp only [negAt_apply_of_isReal_and_not_mem _ hw, abs_of_pos (h₂ w hw)]
· rfl

include hA in
/-- Assume that `A` is symmetric at real places then, the union of the images of `plusPart`
by `negAt` and of the set of elements of `A` that are zero at at least one real place
is equal to `A`. -/
theorem iUnion_negAt_plusPart_union :
(⋃ s, negAt s '' (plusPart A)) ∪ (A ∩ (⋃ w, {x | x.1 w = 0})) = A := by
ext x
rw [Set.mem_union, Set.mem_inter_iff, Set.mem_iUnion, Set.mem_iUnion]
refine ⟨?_, fun h ↦ ?_⟩
· rintro (⟨s, ⟨x, ⟨hx, _⟩, rfl⟩⟩ | h)
· simp_rw (config := {singlePass := true}) [hA, negAt_apply_abs_of_isReal, negAt_apply_snd]
rwa [← hA]
· exact h.left
· obtain hx | hx := exists_or_forall_not (fun w ↦ x.1 w = 0)
· exact Or.inr ⟨h, hx⟩
· refine Or.inl ⟨signSet x,
(mem_negAt_plusPart_of_mem A hA h hx).mpr ⟨fun w hw ↦ ?_, fun w hw ↦ ?_⟩⟩
· exact lt_of_le_of_ne hw (hx w)
· exact lt_of_le_of_ne (lt_of_not_ge hw).le (Ne.symm (hx w))

open MeasureTheory

variable [NumberField K]

include hA in
open Classical in
theorem iUnion_negAt_plusPart_ae :
⋃ s, negAt s '' (plusPart A) =ᵐ[volume] A := by
nth_rewrite 2 [← iUnion_negAt_plusPart_union A hA]
refine (MeasureTheory.union_ae_eq_left_of_ae_eq_empty (ae_eq_empty.mpr ?_)).symm
exact measure_mono_null Set.inter_subset_right
(measure_iUnion_null_iff.mpr fun _ ↦ volume_eq_zero _)

variable {A} in
theorem measurableSet_plusPart (hm : MeasurableSet A) :
MeasurableSet (plusPart A) := by
convert_to MeasurableSet (A ∩ (⋂ w, {x | 0 < x.1 w}))
· ext; simp
· refine hm.inter (MeasurableSet.iInter fun _ ↦ ?_)
exact measurableSet_lt measurable_const ((measurable_pi_apply _).comp' measurable_fst)

variable (s) in
theorem measurableSet_negAt_plusPart (hm : MeasurableSet A) :
MeasurableSet (negAt s '' (plusPart A)) := by
rw [← negAt_preimage]
exact (measurableSet_plusPart hm).preimage (negAt s).continuous.measurable

open Classical in
/-- The image of the `plusPart` of `A` by `negAt` have all the same volume as `plusPart A`. -/
theorem volume_negAt_plusPart (hm : MeasurableSet A) :
volume (negAt s '' (plusPart A)) = volume (plusPart A) := by
rw [← negAt_symm, ContinuousLinearEquiv.image_symm_eq_preimage,
volume_preserving_negAt.measure_preimage (measurableSet_plusPart hm).nullMeasurableSet]

include hA in
open Classical in
/-- If a subset `A` of the `mixedSpace` is symmetric at real places, then its volume is
`2^ nrRealPlaces K` times the volume of its `plusPart`. -/
theorem volume_eq_two_pow_mul_volume_plusPart (hm : MeasurableSet A) :
volume A = 2 ^ nrRealPlaces K * volume (plusPart A) := by
simp only [← measure_congr (iUnion_negAt_plusPart_ae A hA),
measure_iUnion (disjoint_negAt_plusPart A) (fun _ ↦ measurableSet_negAt_plusPart _ A hm),
volume_negAt_plusPart _ hm, tsum_fintype, sum_const, card_univ, Fintype.card_set, nsmul_eq_mul,
Nat.cast_pow, Nat.cast_ofNat, nrRealPlaces]

end plusPart

end NumberField.mixedEmbedding