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122 lines (102 loc) · 4.03 KB

File metadata and controls

122 lines (102 loc) · 4.03 KB

A unjs/nitro server to send and receive Whatsapp chat messages.


  1. Create a Telegram Bot where you will receive the qr code to authenticate the whtsapp session.
  2. Set the env variables as explained in .env.example.
  3. Deploy on Digital Ocean app platform (more details at the bottom of this page).


Any request must contain a 'authorization' header with token $TELEGRAM_TOKEN from the env variables.


  • GET /state:
    It returns the status of the server. If the property state is equal to CONNECTED means that the server is authenticated and ready to receive requests. Any other state means the opposite.

  • POST /message/$PHONE_NUMBER:
    To post a message send a POST request to this endpoint where $PHONE_NUMBER is the recipient of the message and the message property of the body is the content of the message to send.


If you specify a WEBHOOK_URL in the env variables, a post request will be sent to WEBHOOK_URL/$SENDER_PHONE_NUMBER where $SENDER_PHONE_NUMBER is the phone number that sent the message, with a body containing

the whatsapp message object.
  "_data": {
    "id": {
      "fromMe": false,
      "remote": "",
      "id": "3AA4AE577FTBKB8808J9",
      "_serialized": "false_39123456789@c.us_3AA4AE577FTBKB8808J9"
    "viewed": false,
    "body": "Test message",
    "type": "chat",
    "t": 1694572521,
    "notifyName": "Alice",
    "from": "",
    "to": "",
    "self": "in",
    "ack": 1,
    "invis": false,
    "isNewMsg": true,
    "star": false,
    "kicNotified": false,
    "recvFresh": true,
    "isFromTemplate": false,
    "pollInvalidated": false,
    "isSentCagPollCreation": false,
    "latestEditMsgKey": null,
    "latestEditSenderTimestampMs": null,
    "mentionedJidList": [],
    "groupMentions": [],
    "isVcardOverMmsDocument": false,
    "isForwarded": false,
    "labels": [],
    "hasReaction": false,
    "productHeaderImageRejected": false,
    "lastPlaybackProgress": 0,
    "isDynamicReplyButtonsMsg": false,
    "isMdHistoryMsg": false,
    "stickerSentTs": 0,
    "isAvatar": false,
    "lastUpdateFromServerTs": 0,
    "bizBotType": null,
    "requiresDirectConnection": null,
    "invokedBotWid": null,
    "links": []
  "id": {
    "fromMe": false,
    "remote": "",
    "id": "3AA4AE577FTBKB8808J9",
    "_serialized": "false_39123456789@c.us_3AA4AE577FTBKB8808J9"
  "ack": 1,
  "hasMedia": false,
  "body": "Test",
  "type": "chat",
  "timestamp": 1694572521,
  "from": "",
  "to": "",
  "deviceType": "ios",
  "isForwarded": false,
  "forwardingScore": 0,
  "isStatus": false,
  "isStarred": false,
  "fromMe": false,
  "hasQuotedMsg": false,
  "hasReaction": false,
  "vCards": [],
  "mentionedIds": [],
  "isGif": false,
  "links": []


Ready for production.

Whatsapp authentication breaks often due to changes in the Whatsapp Web code. I will try to keep the code updated because I use this server in production for some of my project.


  1. Only message (with emoji) are supported because this is all I need. Support for media can be easily added I guess.
  2. Every time the server restarts, whatsapp need to be authenticated again. The whtsapp-web.js package also support to store the session remotely on mongodb. But: 1. I found Digital Ocean App platform very stable and never restarts the server. 2. I don't have a mondodb instance. 3. I tested the feature multiple times on a free Atlas mongodb instance but I found the feature very buggy.


It must be deployed anywhere Dockerfile is supported.
On Digital Ocean it can run on a Basic Plan with 512 MB RAM and 1 vCPU (the cheapest plan for 5 USD/month).

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