Social Stream Base provides the basic functionality for Social Stream, the core for building social network websites. The features of this gem are limited, for a complete social network environment see
Social network infraestructure
Activity streams infraestructure
Subjects: {User} and {Group}
Objects: {Post} and {Commment}
Private messages and notifications, by Mailboxer
Avatars, by Avatars For Rails
This will install Social Stream basic functionalities. For a complete social network platform see Social Stream
Add to your Gemfile:
gem 'social_stream-base'
and run:
bundle update
rails generate social_stream:base:install
This will generate the following:
A jquery:install generation for jQuery support
A devise:install generation for authentication support
An initializer file with configuration for Social Stream.
A configuration file for defining custom Social Stream relations. You can define your application default relations at
A new application layout
A migration providing the database schema
Do not forget to migrate your database
rake db:migrate
Social Stream Base relies in Devise. You have authenticated users support in your application by default.
Besides, there is another kind of actor: groups. If you want other type of actor (like organizations or social events) you must include an actor_id
column in the new actor migration. Then add it to config/initializers/social_stream.rb
There is also support for two types of basic activity objects: posts and comments. You can create other types, like photos, bookmarks or videos, but you must do the same: add a activity_object_id
column in the migration and include it in the initializer.
Social Stream Base documentation is available at
We are reaching beta phase of development. Feel free to add an issue or send a message at github.