aries-framework-oracle - Aries JavaScript Framework Oracle Verifiable Data Registry Module (Oracle-VDR)
Aries Framework JavaScript Oracle Verifiable Data Registry Module (Oracle-VDR) provides an optional addon to Aries Framework JavaScript to use the Oracle Blockchain Platform (OBP) as the Verifiable Data Registry (VDR).
The Oracle Blockchain Platform is a permissioned blockchain system with enhanced efficiency and streamlined agreements between multiple parties through smart contracts. Based on the open-source Hyperledger Fabric, the system offers a pre-configured platform for executing smart contracts and maintaining a secure ledger.
- DID Creation: Create decentralized identifiers on the Oracle ledger.
- DID Resolution: Resolve decentralized identifiers using the Oracle ledger service.
- DID Update: Update information associated with a decentralized identifier.
- DID Deactivation: Deactivate a decentralized identifier on the Oracle ledger.
To install the Oracle Module, use the following command:
yarn install @lehigh-oracle-did23/aries-framework-oracle
Add the Oracle-VDR Module to your agent:
import { OracleModule, OracleModuleConfig, OracleDidRegistrar, OracleDidResolver, OracleLedgerService } from '@lehigh-oracle-did23/aries-framework-oracle';
const initializeAgent = async () => {
const config: InitConfig = {
// ...
const agent = new Agent({
modules: {
// ...
dids: new DidsModule({
registrars: [new OracleDidRegistrar()],
resolvers: [new OracleDidResolver()],
// ...
oracle: new OracleModule(
new OracleModuleConfig({
networkConfig: {
network: 'your-network',
channel: 'your-channel',
chaincode: 'your-chaincode',
encodedCredential: 'your-encoded-credential',
// ...
dependencies: agentDependencies,
// Initialize the agent
await agent.initialize();
return agent;