Apache ActiveMQ Artemis is an open source project to build a multi-protocol, embeddable, very high performance, clustered, asynchronous messaging system. Apache ActiveMQ Artemis is an example of Message Oriented Middleware (MoM)
ActiveMQ Artemis daemon can be run with the following command:
$ docker run -d vromero/activemq-artemis
After a few seconds, you can run the following command docker logs some-thing
(where some-thing is the name docker assigned to your instance), you'll see in the output a block similar to:
_ _ _
/ \ ____| |_ ___ __ __(_) _____
/ _ \| _ \ __|/ _ \ \/ | |/ __/
/ ___ \ | \/ |_/ __/ |\/| | |\___ \
/_/ \_\| \__\____|_| |_|_|/___ /
Apache ActiveMQ Artemis 1.1.0
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.integration.bootstrap] AMQ101000: Starting ActiveMQ Artemis Server
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221000: live Message Broker is starting with configuration Broker Configuration (clustered=false,journalDirectory=./data/journal,bindingsDirectory=./data/bindings,largeMessagesDirectory=./data/large-messages,pagingDirectory=./data/paging)
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221012: Using AIO Journal
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221043: Protocol module found: [artemis-server]. Adding protocol support for: CORE
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221043: Protocol module found: [artemis-amqp-protocol]. Adding protocol support for: AMQP
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221043: Protocol module found: [artemis-hornetq-protocol]. Adding protocol support for: HORNETQ
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221043: Protocol module found: [artemis-mqtt-protocol]. Adding protocol support for: MQTT
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221043: Protocol module found: [artemis-openwire-protocol]. Adding protocol support for: OPENWIRE
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221043: Protocol module found: [artemis-stomp-protocol]. Adding protocol support for: STOMP
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221003: trying to deploy queue jms.queue.DLQ
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221003: trying to deploy queue jms.queue.ExpiryQueue
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221020: Started Acceptor at for protocols [CORE,MQTT,AMQP,HORNETQ,STOMP,OPENWIRE]
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221020: Started Acceptor at for protocols [HORNETQ,STOMP]
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221020: Started Acceptor at for protocols [AMQP]
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221020: Started Acceptor at for protocols [MQTT]
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221020: Started Acceptor at for protocols [STOMP]
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221007: Server is now live
HH:mm:ss,SSS INFO [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 1.1.0 [nodeID=a949a672-6585-11e5-b408-e92ec3fcc125]
HTTP Server started at
By default Artemis will use 512 Megabytes or RAM at minimum and 2048 Megabytes at maximum. You can set the memory that you application needs by using the parameters ARTEMIS__MIN_MEMORY
$ docker run -d -e 'ARTEMIS_MIN_MEMORY=1512M' -e 'ARTEMIS_MAX_MEMORY=3048M' vromero/activemq-artemis
The previous example will launch Apache ActiveMQ Artemis in docker with 1512 MB of memory, with a maximum usage of 3048 MB of memory.
The format of the values passed is the same than the format used for the Java -Xms
and -Xmx
parameters and its documented here.
If you wish to change the default username and password of artemis
/ simetraehcapa
, you can do so with the ARTEMIS_USERNAME
environmental variables:
$ docker run -d -e ARTEMIS_USERNAME=myuser -e ARTEMIS_PASSWORD=otherpassword vromero/activemq-artemis
Mount point | Description |
/var/lib/artemis/data |
Holds the data files used for storing persistent messages |
/var/lib/artemis/etc |
Hold the instance configuration files |
Port | Description |
8161 |
Web Server |
61616 |
5445 |
5672 |
1883 |
61613 |
View license information for the software contained in this image.
This image is officially supported on Docker version 1.8.2.
Support for older versions (down to 1.0) is provided on a best-effort basis.
If you have any problems with or questions about this image, please contact us through a GitHub issue.
You are invited to contribute new features, fixes, or updates, large or small; we are always thrilled to receive pull requests, and do our best to process them as fast as we can.
Before you start to code, we recommend discussing your plans through a GitHub issue, especially for more ambitious contributions. This gives other contributors a chance to point you in the right direction, give you feedback on your design, and help you find out if someone else is working on the same thing.