Download Software
- JDK 11
- MySQL-5.7.28 (You can use docker to install)
- Redis (You can use docker to install)
- Nacos (You can use docker to install) https://nacos.io/en-us/docs/v2/quickstart/quick-start-docker.html
- (Optional) Database management software like 'Navicat'
Start MySQL
- find SQL script in /SQLschema
- execute the script in your mysql
Start Redis
Start Nacos
- start in "standalone" mode
- https://nacos.io/en-us/docs/v2/quickstart/quick-start.html
For macOS with Apple Chip, after cloning the
repo, edit the.env
file inexample
folder.cd example vim .env
Change the original
, whichv2.1.1-slim
is the version for Apple Chip.Then continue follow the Quick Start for Nacos
docker-compose -f example/standalone-derby.yaml up
Use IDEA to open this project
- Look into every Maven(*.pom) file, ensure all dependency is included.
- Look at application.yml under every module, ensure the datasource config (username, password) is correct.
- start service under every module
Just google "start Spring Cloud with IDEA", "nacos", "maven"
- API url start with "/public" can be called without authentication.
- Other API should be called with authentication token. Just set token in HTTP Header "Authorization", value like "Bearer eyJhbGcixxxxx"
- You can call Login API to get the auth token.
About endpoint localhost:6001 is the gateway, it will redirect api to target service, but you also can call the target service directly with endpoint like localhost:8011
Login API
- POST https://espresso-auth.hexpanda.click/auth/public/user/login
- Request body:
"username": "tester01",
"password": "tester123"
- Response body:
"code": 20000,
"message": "Login success.",
"data": {
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI4NDY1YjdiNGVlY2M0NzA0YjllZmE4NzljMzhhYTAxMiIsInN1YiI6IjE1ODY3MDAxMjY0MDQ1NzExMzciLCJpc3MiOiJ5ZGxjbGFzcyIsImlhdCI6MTY2NzE4MjkwOSwiZXhwIjoxNjY3MTg2NTA5fQ.GJe6qZnyNqQ6sFCKc1i-iiwIo4qgEcY6rssV8TPz-yQ"
Register API
- POST https://espresso-auth.hexpanda.click/auth/public/user/register
- Request body:
"username": "tester02",
"password": "tester123",
"repPassword": "tester123",
"nickName": "tester01nick",
"mobile": "88883366",
"email": "tester02@test.com"
- Response body:
"code": 20000,
"message": "Success",
"data": null
Logout API
- POST https://espresso-auth.hexpanda.click/auth/user/logout (carry bearer token in http header)
- Request body:
"code": 20000,
"message": "Success",
"data": null
###OAuth2 Login - only support Web client
To Front-End developer: About oauth2 login part, please refer to this GitHub: https://github.com/The-Tech-Tutor/spring-react-login/tree/master/client
customer click the url in the page: https://espresso-auth.hexpanda.click/auth/public/oauth2/authorize/google?redirect_uri=https://espresso.malcolmpro.com/
The url reaches backend and redirect to Google login (this step will set two cookies)
Page handles the redirect response, please refer to this .js https://github.com/The-Tech-Tutor/spring-react-login/blob/master/client/src/user/oauth2/OAuth2RedirectHandler.js
Configure need to change:
export const GOOGLE_AUTH_URL = API_BASE_URL + "/auth/public/oauth2/authorize/google?redirect_uri=" + OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI;