PHP-to-PHP RPC Framework.
Async I/O on both client and server thanks to Swoole.
pecl install swoole
Binary protocol on the wire thanks to igbinary.
pecl install igbinary
use RPHC\Message;
class Ekko implements Message
private $message;
public function __construct(string $message)
$this->message = $message;
public function getMessage(): string
return $this->message;
class Calc implements Message
const OP_SUM = 'sum';
const OP_DIV = 'div';
private $op;
private $lt;
private $rt;
public function __construct(string $op, int $lt, int $rt)
$this->op = $op;
$this->lt = $lt;
$this->rt = $rt;
public function getOp(): string
return $this->op;
public function getLt(): int
return $this->lt;
public function getRt(): int
return $this->rt;
use RPHC\Message;
use RPHC\Result;
use function RPHC\{server, success, failure};
function ekko(Ekko $ekko): Ekko
return new Ekko($ekko->getMessage());
function calc(Calc $calc): Result
switch ($calc->getOp()) {
case Calc::OP_SUM:
return success($calc->getLt() + $calc->getRt());
case Calc::OP_DIV:
if ($calc->getRt() == 0) {
return failure('Cant divide by 0');
return success($calc->getLt() / $calc->getRt());
return failure('Noop');
server('', 9603)
->handle(Ekko::class, 'ekko')
->handle(Calc::class, 'calc')
use RPHC\Result;
use function RPHC\{client, send, success, failure};
client('', 9603)->connect(function () {
send(new Ekko('Hello world'), function (Ekko $ekko) {
echo $ekko->getMessage()."\n";
send(new Calc(Calc::OP_SUM, 42, 42), function (Result $result) {
echo $result->unwrap()."\n";
send(new Calc(Calc::OP_DIV, 42, 0), function (Result $result) {
echo $result->unwrap()."\n";
$ php example/server.php
$ php example/client.php
Hello world
Cant divide by 0