0.1.0 (2023-11-13)
Build System
Continuous Integration
adding convetional-prs action (75015ff )
adding release-please action (0cb02c8 )
improving CI script and installing plasnet (8377b7d )
temporarily using python version 3.11 to save resources (cd99d2f )
testing ci fail (3c32e95 )
using the correct default branch (790fd34 )
Miscellaneous Chores
adding Makefile (b9381ce )
adding pylint to dev-deps (45931e5 )
pre-commit now failing fast and adding commented out pylint hook (dd64f2a )
pylint now runs but pre-commit does not fail if it fails (e00ee75 )
adding colours to subcommunities visualisation (730bcc5 )
adding commitlint to the repo (b719203 )
adding conventional commit checking through pre-commit (273d9df )
adding flake8, black and isort to dev deps (a192108 )
adding initial Makefile with pre_commit rule (2b9b32d )
adding remove_plasmids() to BaseGraph (be7e729 )
adding seed-isort-config to auto config known_third_party (42d8879 )
now adding subcommunity colours to the community vis. in the type subcommand (9f7fe62 )
now creating objects/communities.tsv file describing the community clustering in the split subcommand (511d677 )
outputting an objects/typing.tsv file describing the typing for the type subcommand (690fc84 )
outputting binary objects in the type subcommand (49f0c4c )
running pre-commit during CI (3c930e5 )
Bug Fixes
adding --version to the CLI (7c8aee9 )
adding more logging to the type subcommand (9168ff9 )
adding the main import back to plasnet/init .py (1b87f48 )
addint stubs to mypy and making it strict (dbba7b3 )
all_subcommunities in the type subcommand is now Subcommunities instead of list[Subcommunities] (ff00cde )
BaseGraph.get_induced_components() now actually retruning a BaseGraph (a3e390f )
casting Communities to itself (9719792 )
doing pre-commit linting/formatting properly now (a9f16e4 )
explicitly exporting attribute 'main' in plasnet package (d8f00d8 )
fixing BaseGraph and ListOfGraphs typings (8e41e76 )
fixing BaseGraph constructor and all the hierarchy constructors and adding the label attribute (a3e7916 )
fixing implementation of CommunityGraph.split_graph_into_subcommunities (6fdacc7 )
fixing implementation of OutputProducer.produce_subcommunities_visualisation() (6e455f8 )
fixing small import issue in (83474cd )
fixing type subcommand description (7ef7dcf )
fixing type subcommand implementation (b99a412 )
improving linting (bb7fd3a )
improving pre-commit config (b066a0f )
improving Subcommunities inheritance (345c31f )
Improving SubcommunityGraph inheritance and implementing required methods (45e18b4 )
managing pre-commit configs through .pre-commit-config.yaml (27587a7 )
now keeping mypy and flake8 logs when pre-committing (7f00712 )
now outputting subcommunities and refactoring communities outputting (b5b7d68 ) now actually returning a PlasmidGraph (a739a58 )
plasnet.main() does not return anything (206ea6a )
reducing max line length from 120 to 100 (72d8f76 )
removing husky and commitlint config - all done through pre-commit now (061b5b8 )
removing redundant noqa (0ccb383 )
removing verbosity from pre-commits (a82c582 )
updating pre-commit deps (acae5f6 )
updating readme (081610d )
using the graph label for filename and label instead of generating them on the fly (6a98166 )
Code Refactoring
adding a comment to Makefile (7fad449 )
adding an important comment to .pre-commit-config.yaml (5db6074 )
black (a4d8aa2 )
black reformatting (a470b9f )
extracting class BlackholeGraph from CommunityGraph (0706794 )
flake8 (0178225 )
improving overall typing (59ff4e0 )
isort (8a1a0c6 )
linting (87cb9f2 )
OutputProducer.produce_subcommunities_visualisation() now receives Subcommunities instead of list[Subcommunities] (0bfd9e7 )
removing unused import pickle (5206a38 )
small typing refactor: List -> list (32d240b )
type of our nodes is str (d7fac0b )
typing: improving ListOfGraphs.load() typing (68b60ae )
unused methods cleanup (223fc13 )
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