Releases: leoisl/plasnet
Releases · leoisl/plasnet
0.3.0 (2023-11-17)
- updating with add-sample-hits subcommand documentation (2df8bc5)
- adding ListOfSampleGraphs class (0b29530)
- adding SampleGraph class (e673f36)
- adding subcommand add-sample-hits (34c25b9)
Bug Fixes
- adding SampleGraph.from_subcommunity_graph() (398d863)
- fixing BaseGraph.get_induced_components() (d9e277c)
- fixing HTML sample filters production (8db01bc)
- fixing OutputProducer.produce_subcommunities_visualisation() typing (90875c4)
- fixing SampleGraph constructor (f5edfb0)
- removing unused tag in index_template.html (33d9690)
Code Refactoring
- adding attribute description to BaseGraph instead of computing it when producing visualiation (a2496fc)
- adding attribute path to BaseGraph instead of computing it when producing the visualisation (4367bc0)
- adding method ListOfGraphs.get_graphs_sorted_by_size() instead of computing this during visualisation (69d1db7)
- big refactor in OutputProducer, using the previous changes to produce visualisation (750a8de)
- graph parameter in BaseGraph classes and its subclasses is now properly typed as Optional (09f92cf)
- ListOfSampleGraphs -> SampleGraphs (9062ca2)
- removing old code to add sample hits from BaseGraph (4445907)
0.2.0 (2023-11-14)
Continuous Integration
- removing conventional-prs.yaml (ef78901)
- temporarily removing pylint from pre-commit and ci (d821f19)
- edges now show the split and type distance in their labels (51c5c00)
Bug Fixes
- colouring the original communities, pre-typing, in the type command (0fc3821)
- removing redundant attribute BlackholeGraph._original_graph (4e622e0)
- updating tests/data/communities.pkl (11c4588)
0.1.3 (2023-11-13)
Continuous Integration
- automatically uploading plasnet results to gh-pages (97a434e)
- just generating new visualisations with pushes to the main branch (3babbcb)
- setting up poetry before installing (e345f4b)
- adding links to the latest visualisations to README (4af8669)
0.1.2 (2023-11-13)
Build System
- adding coverage to dev deps (263646d)
- adding test command to Makefile (6b20632)
- removing tag command from Makefile (9a7f562)
- updating make coverage (eecb53f)
Continuous Integration
- adding coverage badge (584b9cc)
- CI debugging (72c1b53)
- CI debugging (64d083c)
- now running make coverage (fd0d2c1)
- now running tests in CI (95bc22a)
- trying to fix Coverage Push changes step in CI (44a77cb)
Miscellaneous Chores
- updating readme with badges (aa4e700)
- updating README installation and usage (29acd34)
0.1.0 (2023-11-13)
Build System
- adding mypy to dev deps (5cac9e6)
Continuous Integration
- adding convetional-prs action (75015ff)
- adding release-please action (0cb02c8)
- improving CI script and installing plasnet (8377b7d)
- temporarily using python version 3.11 to save resources (cd99d2f)
- testing ci fail (3c32e95)
- using the correct default branch (790fd34)
Miscellaneous Chores
- adding Makefile (b9381ce)
- adding pylint to dev-deps (45931e5)
- pre-commit now failing fast and adding commented out pylint hook (dd64f2a)
- pylint now runs but pre-commit does not fail if it fails (e00ee75)
- adding colours to subcommunities visualisation (730bcc5)
- adding commitlint to the repo (b719203)
- adding conventional commit checking through pre-commit (273d9df)
- adding flake8, black and isort to dev deps (a192108)
- adding initial Makefile with pre_commit rule (2b9b32d)
- adding remove_plasmids() to BaseGraph (be7e729)
- adding seed-isort-config to auto config known_third_party (42d8879)
- now adding subcommunity colours to the community vis. in the type subcommand (9f7fe62)
- now creating objects/communities.tsv file describing the community clustering in the split subcommand (511d677)
- outputting an objects/typing.tsv file describing the typing for the type subcommand (690fc84)
- outputting binary objects in the type subcommand (49f0c4c)
- running pre-commit during CI (3c930e5)
Bug Fixes
- adding --version to the CLI (7c8aee9)
- adding more logging to the type subcommand (9168ff9)
- adding the main import back to plasnet/ (1b87f48)
- addint stubs to mypy and making it strict (dbba7b3)
- all_subcommunities in the type subcommand is now Subcommunities instead of list[Subcommunities] (ff00cde)
- BaseGraph.get_induced_components() now actually retruning a BaseGraph (a3e390f)
- casting Communities to itself (9719792)
- doing pre-commit linting/formatting properly now (a9f16e4)
- explicitly exporting attribute 'main' in plasnet package (d8f00d8)
- fixing BaseGraph and ListOfGraphs typings (8e41e76)
- fixing BaseGraph constructor and all the hierarchy constructors and adding the label attribute (a3e7916)
- fixing implementation of CommunityGraph.split_graph_into_subcommunities (6fdacc7)
- fixing implementation of OutputProducer.produce_subcommunities_visualisation() (6e455f8)
- fixing small import issue in (83474cd)
- fixing type subcommand description (7ef7dcf)
- fixing type subcommand implementation (b99a412)
- improving linting (bb7fd3a)
- improving pre-commit config (b066a0f)
- improving Subcommunities inheritance (345c31f)
- Improving SubcommunityGraph inheritance and implementing required methods (45e18b4)
- managing pre-commit configs through .pre-commit-config.yaml (27587a7)
- now keeping mypy and flake8 logs when pre-committing (7f00712)
- now outputting subcommunities and refactoring communities outputting (b5b7d68)
- now actually returning a PlasmidGraph (a739a58)
- plasnet.main() does not return anything (206ea6a)
- reducing max line length from 120 to 100 (72d8f76)
- removing husky and commitlint config - all done through pre-commit now (061b5b8)
- removing redundant noqa (0ccb383)
- removing verbosity from pre-commits (a82c582)
- updating pre-commit deps (acae5f6)
- updating readme (081610d)
- using the graph label for filename and label instead of generating them on the fly (6a98166)
Code Refactoring
- adding a comment to Makefile (7fad449)
- adding an important comment to .pre-commit-config.yaml (5db6074)
- black (a4d8aa2)
- black reformatting (a470b9f)
- extracting class BlackholeGraph from CommunityGraph (0706794)
- flake8 (0178225)
- improving overall typing (59ff4e0)
- isort (8a1a0c6)
- linting (87cb9f2)
- OutputProducer.produce_subcommunities_visualisation() now receives Subcommunities instead of list[Subcommunities] (0bfd9e7)
- removing unused import pickle (5206a38)
- small typing refactor: List -> list (32d240b)
- type of our nodes is str (d7fac0b)
- typing: improving ListOfGraphs.load() typing (68b60ae)
- unused methods clean...