This web application is a proof-of-concept created during an internship. It allows consultants of TRS Forensics to track individual project’s progress, and to store information and documents and messages for each work-item as the project progresses.
- Python
- Javascript
- Django
Consultants are able to store and retrieve these information regarding a project.
- Customer
- Objectives
- Proposal date, start date, end date
- Work items
- Domains
- Fees information
- Billing information
- Consultants
- Project state
Projects have 3 different states (Proposal, In progress, Ended).
- In the proposal state, project details are editable, but no documents or messages can be stored.
- In the “In progress” state, project details are no longer editable, documents and messages can be stored for each work item.
- In the “Ended” state, project details and documents are viewable, but they cannot be edited.
In each work-item, consultants can store messages with documents attached. This allows consultants to keep track of the progress on a more fine-grained level. Documents and messages will now be centralised in a single location.
From the details of the project, proposal powerpoint slides and engagement documents can be generated automatically from a given template. This helps consultants save time spent on creating documents.