DNA from a random sample of anemones in the E.diaphana culture collection at the University of Melbourne was supplied to DArT (Diversity Array Technologies, Canberra, Australia) for SNP analysis to determine how many distinct genotypes exist within the collection.
There are two R scripts in this repo that utilise the DArT output data. One script generates a PCoA used in the publication Dungan AM, Hartman LM, Tortorelli G, Belderock R, Lamb AM, Pisan L et al. Exaiptasia diaphana from the Great Barrier Reef: a valuable resource for coral symbiosis research. Symbiosis. 2020; doi:10.1007/s13199-020-00665-0. A second script identifies SNPs that could (or rather, should!) be used in a PCR-based assay to distinguish each genotype.