Code for the course Shared Task Information Science. Contains code of LECCE (LExiCal Complexity Estimator), our submission for SemEval 2021 Task 1.
LECCE is developed by Durk Betsema, Jantina Schakel, Leon Wetzel and Rik Zijlema as part of the course Shared Task Information Science, taught at the Information Science program of the University of Groningen.
It is important to make sure that you 1) have installed the required Python packages and 2) have downloaded the LCP task data before you run the LECCE functionality.
All necessary Python packages and modules can be found in requirements.txt
These can be installed by simply running the following command in your
command line interface. We advise to use a venv
, from which you can run the
installation command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Next to the LCP task data, we use additional data sources for training our word embeddings. For example, we use the King James Version of the Bible for the bible-related word embeddings. We also use English proceedings from the European Parliament and abstracts from Pubmed articles to train word embeddings for their respective corpus type.
You can easily download all auxiliary data by running the following commands in your Python console.
>>> from lecce.information.corpus import Bible, Europarl, Pubmed
>>> corpora = [Bible(), Europarl(), Pubmed()]
>>> for corpus in corpora:
Note that it can take some time to download all the data! We strongly recommend indicating a file limit for Pubmed corpora. The default file limit is 200. Depending on your amount of disk space, we advise to maintain a modest file limit. As the Pubmed files are downloaded from the website of the National Center for Biotechnology Information via FTP, we are not really in control of the total amount of files on their server.
>>> pm = Pubmed(file_limit=200)
The data size can be considerable, even after extracting the article abstracts!
For our convenience, we concatenated corpus-related text files for easier processing later on in the generation of the word embeddings. This applied to both the Europarl and Pubmed corpora, which consist of multiple text files.
A simple bash command suffices for this operation to be replicated. For the Europarl corpus, such a command would look like this:
foo@bar:~$ cat ep-*.txt > europarl.txt
We advise to store these concatenated text files separately from the original
text files. We stored these files in a new directory ez
in the directory data
LECCE contains functionality to convert text from our various sources to word embeddings, which can be either Word2Vec or fastText-based.
In the example below,
we train a new model based on a given list of tokenised sentences from our
Pubmed corpus. The __init__
function of Word2VecEmbedder
can either create a new Word2Vec model (based on a given corpus) or load an
existing model. It is also possible to use a base model, which is based on the
One Billion Word Benchmark (Chelba et al., 2013).
>>> from lecce.feature.representation.word_embeddings import Word2VecEmbedder
>>> from lecce.feature.representation.generation import CorpusGenerator
>>> corpus = CorpusGenerator(files=["data/ez/base.txt", "data/ez/pubmed.txt"])
>>> embedder = Word2VecEmbedder(model_name=None, corpus=corpus, directory="embeddings")
We can easily load an existing model by using the following code, where we indicate the location of our base Word2Vec model.
>>> from lecce.feature.representation.word_embeddings import Word2VecEmbedder
>>> embedder = Word2VecEmbedder(model_name="w2v_base.bin")
Word embeddings can be found in the directory embeddings
per default. If
you have the word embeddings stored in a different directory, do not forget to
set the directory
parameter when you instantiate a Embedder
class object
(see the example below).
>>> embedder = Word2VecEmbedder(model_name="w2v_base.bin", directory="my_embeddings")
Note that Word2VecEmbedder
itself is not the model! It contains a model
from Gensim, which can be used to transform text to word embeddings and to
calculate distance between tokens. Embedder
class objects do contain a wrapper
function transform()
for transforming tokens to their respective word embeddings.
>>> embedder.transform("cheese")
array([-0.14763358, -0.6151625 , -4.5376935 , -1.3107201 , 2.0699606 ,
-3.2040992 , 0.09065696, 0.7785856 , 0.09909724, 0.21510065,
-3.3662946 , -2.8873637 , 5.504202 , 1.5262611 , 0.5984901 ,
-5.0615873 , 0.2658972 , 0.41224727, -3.5005474 , -0.3451236 ,
-0.31815568, 1.7148725 , 0.5735119 , 0.23066795, 2.3650339 ,
1.2729089 , -2.4883304 , 0.4951827 , 3.40999 , -1.5533565 ,
3.0736995 , -3.0521255 , 2.2765718 , -1.7934179 , -0.3441617 ,
1.5677184 , -0.10620257, -0.5721201 , 0.27285793, 1.8695159 ,
-0.13137296, -1.8967109 , 1.3382695 , 1.1660029 , 5.9861336 ,
2.8580027 , -0.2913719 , -3.192331 , 0.72986996, 0.9690231 ,
5.131245 , -1.9773573 , 1.0814732 , 2.8165162 , 2.251758 ,
-4.162695 , -2.4328437 , -2.08296 , -0.2894271 , 1.3119276 ,
0.8246829 , 2.0581355 , 2.41158 , -0.0378575 , -0.35984108,
-1.4825187 , -1.7764221 , -0.3325412 , -0.71733415, 0.39039972,
-1.8293386 , 0.52562827, 0.80024123, -0.31259838, 0.39508483,
1.9051372 , -1.8926342 , 3.06406 , -2.234383 , 1.3319718 ,
0.8243203 , 3.6725616 , -0.15421452, 4.2831674 , -0.10465561,
-2.0435777 , 1.0658191 , -0.87454593, -0.56031615, -3.2709572 ,
1.9484522 , 0.06203973, 0.39959732, -1.9495131 , -0.6922502 ,
1.7539905 , 2.261876 , -0.0587947 , -1.3472047 , -0.93357426],
You can quickly train a new fastText model by using both the
and the CorpusGenerator
. Thanks to CorpusGenerator
, it
is possible to iterate rapidly over all the lines and sentences in the training
data. In the example below, you can see how the training of the bible embeddings
should work.
>>> from lecce.feature.representation.word_embeddings import FastTextEmbedder
>>> from lecce.feature.representation.generation import CorpusGenerator
>>> sentences = CorpusGenerator(files=["data/ez/base.txt", "data/ez/bible.txt"])
>>> embedder = FastTextEmbedder(corpus=sentences)
In our examples, we always fit corpus-specific word embeddings with the base corpus and the subcorpus. The base corpus allows the corpus-specific word embeddings some generalisation, whilst maintaining .
Our regressor is based on the LinearRegression
estimator of the Python
software package scikit-learn
. This regressor takes into account several
features (
Chelba, C., Mikolov, T., Schuster, M., Ge, Q., Brants, T., Koehn, P., & Robinson, T. (2013). One billion word benchmark for measuring progress in statistical language modeling. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.3005.