This extension gives example on how to create Abstract CRUD Controller to use with any AbstractEntity using Extbase.
It is a POC so you'll need to change some configuration and classes to make it work with your domainObjects (Documentation inc)
The main example is the CategoryController, that extends from AbstractCrudController by changing its domainObject class and Repo
For now it only works with ext:headless but a fluid port would not be hard to do (Not scheduled ATM)
- configurable domainObject / Repository
- index, show, new, create, edit, update, delete, methods
- form handling
- domainObject can implement
to get the form definition for new and edit methods - or override parent methods
- domainObject can implement
- Events
- TCEMain hook sends
PSR event - all methods have an event to change the current object or the data sent to the view
- TCEMain hook sends
Extbase reflexion has hard time finding domainObject using strong type as method params that require AbstractEntity
// won't work because showAction is not compatible with parent method that requires an AbstractEntity
public function showAction(Category $domainObject)
return parent::showAction($domainObject);
// won't work because ReflexionService does not handle union types
// @see vendor/typo3/cms-extbase/Classes/Reflection/ClassSchema.php l.398
public function showAction(Category|AbstractEntity $domainObject)
return parent::showAction($domainObject);
So the only solution (for now)
* @param Petitglacon\CategoryTreebuilder\Domain\Model\Category $domainObject
public function showAction($domainObject)
return parent::showAction($domainObject);