This is the implementation of Shi-Tomasi-Corner detection in low-complexity version, the method is from Low-Complexity Pruning for Accelerating Corner Detection,
the basic algorithm flow is
and you can refer the paper for more algorithm detail.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build
cd ../prebuilt
./corner_detect xxx.jpg
and you will get the result xxx.jpg image under prebuilt/ folder
modify configuration as you need.
There are 7791 corner candidate, 88.11 % corners be punned
There are 2553 corners to be detected!
There are 49 corners after NMS
There are 1692 corner candidate, 98.91 % corners be punned
There are 1620 corners to be detected!
There are 108 corners after NMS
There are 9016 corner candidate, 86.24 % corners be punned
There are 2287 corners to be detected!
There are 43 corners after NMS
There are 49096 corner candidate, 81.27 % corners be punned
There are 7457 corners to be detected!
There are 183 corners after NMS