- Most NFTs are used to represent the ownership of artwork. While there are some commercial use cases around in github, such as hotel booking reservation, I am unable to find one that also leverages NFT's image to display booking data in wallets
- Most github projects run on NodeJS using frameworks like ReactJS. I would like to explore using MAUI C# for this project
- Most github projects utilize traditional UI to execution NFT contract functions. As OpenAI's function calling capability becomes more advanced, I want to experiment with evaluating whether ChatGPT can provide a more intuitive man-machine interface
- I plan to implement ChatGPT as razor component alongside traditional MAUI xaml views in the same MAUI C# program, allowing users to compare the two
- Using NFT as booking reservation and display the booking data as the NFT's graphics in wallets
- A MAUI xaml based App to execute NFT contract functions
- A ChatGPT razor based bot to execute the same NFT contract functions in the same MAUI App
- Complete and working programs in GitHub
- Nodejs
- truffle suite
- Infura
- Microsoft Visual Studio, MAUI, Blazor
- Azure Function
- Nethereum
- OpenAI
- SemanticKernel