A full stack MERN Redux e-commernce store for car and JDM culture enthusiast to shop for performance parts, accessories and merch! This webpage comes with a full admin panel for the create to have control of creating and editing products, keeping track of the sales and revune being earned and keeping track of the users and their orders/shipments. Customers are able to browse through the different categories to shop, can add items to cart and checkout using Stripe. There is a learn more page for customers to learn more about the brand and the JDM culture and a newsletter that will be sent out to those who sign up!
- MongoDB
- Express.js
- React
- Node.js
- Stripe
- Axios
- Material-UI
- React-Dom
- React-Redux
- Firebase
- Recharts
- Timeago.js
- [] - Remove/edit
- [] - Create a favorites page for users
Lama Dev(https://www.youtube.com/c/LamaDev) - E-commerence Redux MERN series helped me to create this e-commerence site and admin page
Pexels.com for the images