module provides two ways to access the histogram content
- by bin index, using operator
: for 1D historgam index is a simple integer number, for 2D and 3D-histograms the bin index is a 2 or 3-element tuple - using functional interface with operator
histo = ...
print histo[2] ## print the value/error associated with the 2nd bin
print histo(2.21) ## print the value/error at x=2.21
Note that the result in both cases is of type VE
, value+/-uncertainty, and the interpolation is involved in the second case. The interpolation can be controlled using interpolation
print histo ( 2.1 , interpolation = 0 ) ## no interpolation
print histo ( 2.1 , interpolation = 1 ) ## linear interpolation
print histo ( 2.1 , interpolation = 2 ) ## parabolic interpolation
print histo ( 2.1 , interpolation = 3 ) ## cubic interpolation
Similarly for 2D and 3D cases, interpolation
parameter is 2 or 3-element tuple, e.g.
, (3,0,0)
, ...
Set bin content
histo[1] = VE(10,10)
histo[2] = VE(20,20)
Loops over the histogram content:
for i in histo :
print 'Bin# %s, the content%s' % ( i, histo[i] )
for entry in histo.iteritems() :
print 'item ', entry
The reversed iterations are also supported
for i in reversed(histo) :
print 'Bin# %s, the content%s' % ( i, histo[i] )
The slicing of 1D-historgam can be done easily using native slice
in python
h1 = h[3:8]
For 2D and 3D-casss the slicing is less trivial, but still simple
histo2D = ...
h1 = histo2D.sliceX ( 1 )
h2 = histo2D.sliceY ( [1,3,5] )
h3 = histo2D.sliceY ( 3 )
h4 = histo2D.sliceY ( [3,4,5] )
A lot of operators and operations are defined for histograms.
histo += 1
histo /= 10
histo = 1 + histo ## operations with constants
histo = histo + math.cos ## operations with functions
histo /= lambda x : 1 + x ## lambdas are also functions
Also binary operations are defined
h1 = ...
h2 = ...
h3 = h1 + h2
h4 = h1 / h2
h5 = h1 * h2
h6 = h1 - h2
For the binary operations the action is defiened accordinh to the rule
- the type of the result is defined by the first operand (type, and binning)
- for each bin
the result is estimated asa oper b
, where:oper
stands for corresponding operator (+,-,*,/,**)
a = h1[i]
is a value of the first operand at bini
b = h2(x)
, wherex
is a bin-center of bini
There are many other useful opetations:
: applyabs
function bin-by-binasym
: equivalent to(h1-h2)/(h1+h2)
with correct treatment of correlated uncertaintiesfrac
: equivalent to(h1)/(h1+h2)
with correct treatment of correlated uncertaintiesaverage
: make an average of two historgamchi2
: bin-by-bin chi2-tension between two historgams- ... and many more
h1 = histo.transform ( lambda x,y : y ) ## identical transformation (copy)
h2 = histo.transform ( lambda x,y : y**3 ) ## get the third power of the histogram content
h3 = histo.transform ( lambda x,y : y/x ) ## less trivial functional transformation
The standard math-functions can be applied to the histoigram (bin-by-bin):
from LHCbMath.math_ve import *
h1 = sin ( histo )
h2 = exp ( histo )
h3 = exp ( abs ( histo ) )
There is an easy way to sample the histograms according to their content, e.g. for toy-experiments:
h1 = histo.sample() ## make a random histogram with content sampled according to bin+-error in original histo
h2 = histo.sample( accept = lambda s : s > 0 ) ##sample but require that sampled values are positive
It is very easy to smear 1D histogram according to gaussian resolution
h1 = histo.smear ( 0.015 ) ## apply "smearing" with sigma = 0.015
h2 = histo.smear ( sigma = lambda x : 0.1*x ) ## smear using 'running' sigma of 10% resolution
original = ... ## the original historgam to be rebinned
template = ... ## historgams that deifned new binning scheme
rebin1 = original.rebinNumbers ( template ) ## compare it!
rebin2 = original.rebinFunction ( template ) ## compare it!
Note that there are two methods for rebin
and rebinFunction
- they depends on the treatment of the histogram.
{% challenge "Challenge" %}
Choose some initial histogram with non-uniform biuning, choose template historam with non-uniform binning
and compare two methods: rebinNumbers
and rebinFunction
{% endchallenge %}
There are several_integral_-like methods for (1D)histograms
: useful for numbers-like histograms, only bin-content inn used for summation (unless the bin is effectively split in case of low/high summation edge does not coinside with bin edges)
s = histo.accumulate ()
s = histo.accumulate ( cut = lambda s : 0.4<=s[1].value()<0.5 )
s = histo.accumulate ( low = 1 , high = 14 ) ## accumulate over 1<= ibin <14
s = histo.accumulate ( xmin = 0.14 , xmax = 14 ) ## accumulate over xmin<= x <xmax
: useful for function-like histograms, perform integration taking into account bin-width.
s = histo.integrate ()
s = histo.integrate ( cut = lambda s : 0.4<=s[1].value()<0.5 )
s = histo.integrate ( lowx = 1 , highx = 14 ) ## integrate over 1<= xbin <14
s = histo.integrate ( xmin = 0.14 , xmax = 21.1 ) ## integrate over xmin<= x <xmax
it transform the histogram intoROOT.TF1
object and invokesROOT.TF1.Integral
and the efficiencies of cuts_
h1 = histo.sumv () ## increasing order: sum(first,x)
h2 = histo.sumv ( False ) ## decreasing order: sum(x,last )
Such functionality immediately allows to calculate efficiency historgrams using effic
h1 = histo.effic () ## efficiency of var<x cut
h2 = histo.effic ( False ) ## efficiency of var>x cut
In additon to trivial scaling operations h *= 3
and h /= 10
there are seevral dedicated methdo for scaling
it scales the historgam content to a given sum of in-range bins
print histo.accumulate()
print histo.accumulate()
: it allows the treatment of non-uniform histograms as density distributions. Essentially each bini
is rescaled according to the ruleh[i] *= a / S
, wherea
is specified factor andS
is bin-area. such type of rescaling is important for historgams with non-uniform binning
There is method density
that converts the histgram into density histogram. The density histogram (being interpreted as function) has unit integral. It is different from the simple rescaling for historgams with non-uniform bins.
d = histo.density()
There are many statistic functions
: number of equivalent entriesstat
: statistical information about bin-to-bin content: mean, rms, minmax, ... in form ofGaudi::Math::StatEntity
If figure-of-merit is natural and equals to sigma(S)/S (note that it is equal to sqrt(S+B)/S):
signal = ... ## distribition for signal
fom1 = signal.FoM2 () ## FoM for var<x cut
fom2 = signal.FoM2 ( False ) ## FoM for var>x cut
Note that no explicit knowledge of background is needed here - it enters indireclty via the uncertainties in signal determination.
If figure-of-merit is defined as S/sqrt(S+alpha*B)
signal = ...
background = ...
alpha = ...
fom1 = signal.FoM1 ( background , alpha ) ## FoM for var<x cut
fom2 = signal.FoM1 ( background , alpha , False ) ## FoM for var>x cut
One can also solve equations h(x) = v
value = 3
solutions = histo.solve ( value )
for x in solutions : print x
The conversion of histogram to ROOT.TF1
objects is straighforward
f = histo.tf1()
Optionally one can specify interpolate
flag to define the interpolation rules.
The obtained TF1
object is defined with three parameters
- normalization
- bias
- scale
It can be used e.g. for visualize interpolated historgam as function or e.g. in ROOT.TH1.Fit
method for fitting of other historgams
There are several special cases to get the efficiency-historgams
accepted = ... ## historgam with accepted sample
rejected = ... ## historgam with rejected sample
total = ... ## historgam with total sample
eff1 = accepted/total ## value is correct, uncertainties are *NOT* correct
eff2 = 1/(1+rejected/accepted) ## everything is correct (binomial)
eff3 = accepted % total ## everything is correct (binomial)
eff4 = accepted // total ## correct binomial, if both histograms are "natural"
In additon to the methods described above, few more sophisticated treatments of binomial effiiciencies are provided
accepted = ...
total = ...
eff1 = accepted. zechEff ( total ) ## valid for all histograms, including sPlot-weighted
eff2 = accepted. binomEff ( total ) ## only for natural histograms
eff3 = accepted. wilsonEff ( total ) ## only for natural histograms
eff4 = accepted.agrestiCoullEff ( total ) ## only for natural histograms
For natural historgams only one can use even more sophisticated methods, that evaluates the interval. Each method returns graph, and the graphs can be visuzalised for comparison:
accepted = ...
rejected = ...
eff1 = accepted.eff_wald ( rejected )
eff2 = accepted.eff_wilson_score ( rejected )
eff3 = accepted.eff_wilson_score_continuity ( rejected )
eff4 = accepted.eff_arcsin ( rejected )
eff5 = accepted.eff_agresti_coull ( rejected )
eff6 = accepted.eff_jeffreys ( rejected )
eff7 = accepted.eff_clopper_pearson ( rejected )
All of this functions have an optional argument interval
that defines the confidence interval,
the default value is interval=0.682689492137086
that corresponds to 1 sigma.
It is not a rare case when one needs to find the binbing of the histogram that ensures almost equal bin populations. This task could be solved using eqaul_bins
very_fine_binned_histo = ... ## get the fine binned histograms
edges1 = fine_binned.equal_edges ( 10 ) ## try to fing binning with 10 almost equally populated bins
edges2 = fine_binned.equal_edges ( 10 , wmax = 5 ) ## try to fing binning with 10 almost equally populated bins, but avoid bins wider than "wmax"