landslide_superimpose is a landslide size visualization outreach tool.
Given the following inputs:
- A satellite image of a landslide deposit
- An outline of the landslide deposit (e.g., from GIS software)
- The coordinates of the crown of the landslide
- A "background" satellite image of any other location
- The coordinates of a target point in the "background" satellite image
- Convert all geospatial objects into their equivalent UTM coordinate reference systems
- Clip the landslide image using the landslide outline
- Superimpose the clipped landslide image on the background image, placing the landslide crown at the target location
The operations are performed such that the landslide deposit has the same scale as the background image. This can create powerful visualizations of the size of events:
All images (rasters) are expected to be in GeoTIFF format. Landslide outlines can be KML files or shapefiles. The code should [keyword! 😉] be able to handle arbitrary coordinate reference systems for these inputs. All coordinates are expected to be (latitude, longitude) in the WGS 84 datum.
git clone --depth 1 cd landslide_superimpose
Create environment, install, and activate (install conda first, if necessary)
conda env create conda activate landslide_superimpose
Run as a Python script within IPython
ipython In [1]: run
This code has not been extensively tested, nor should you expect it to work without modifying the paths in the top of the script and providing your own input files!